Homemade Cashew Cheese Ravioli

Homemade Vegan Cashew Cheese Ravioli

oh hi!

I have sat on this recipe for long enough. I was trying to think what I could post while I am on my wedding high. I came across the above pic while browsing my old photos and thought, yeah this would totally be cool to share!

Full disclosure, the dough recipe is not mine, so I am including a link to what I used below. But the filling and the process is my interpretation, so I hope that it inspires you and possibly makes you a bit less intimidated to make your own ravioli. While time-consuming, it is very easy.

For the pasta dough, I used the recipe from Bob’s Red Mill. You can find it HERE. Once you have the dough made based on this recipe, we can dive into the filling and my technique…

To Make Cashew Cheese Filling

You will need:

  • 1 cup raw cashews, soaked at least a half hour to an hour
  • 1/3 – 1/2 cup soy milk (more or less for consistency – you want it to be like ricotta cheese)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 handful fresh basil leaves
  • 1 tsp nutritional yeast
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

To Make:

  • Add all ingredients to your blender and run until smooth. It shouldn’t be grainy, so keep going if it seems lumpy/grainy. Set aside.

To Make Ravioli

  • Once you have prepped your dough based on the recipe above, you’ll want to roll the dough out fairly thin. If you have a fancy machine, go you! We didn’t… so Joe was my designated roller. It doesn’t have to be paper thin, but close.
  • Using a knife or pizza roller, cut rectangles across your dough (as big as your preference – just remember that you will be folding them over with the cheese, so they should be long enough!)
  • Add a dollop of cashew cheese to one side of the rectangle, and fold the other side over. Using a fork, seal up the 3 sides of the ravioli. Keep going until it’s all done!
  • Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Once boiling, add 4-5 raviolis at a time and let boil for about 10-15 minutes. They will float towards the top when they are done.

Now that the ravs are done, pair with your favorite sauce. I love a homemade red sauce, or for store-bought, try Victoria’s Vegan Pink Vodka Sauce – YUM! I find this at my local Job Lot, which blew my mind and made my life.

This recipe is definitely a bit time consuming, so I would choose a beautiful cool day when you have a lot of time. I made these with Joe and my brother – we had an assembly line going, which helped us go much faster. If you have little ones, this would be such a fun homemade recipe to tackle! Or you know, just some awesome friends. Grab a glass of wine and get to business.

There’s something very satisfying about making your own pasta – especially when it comes to ravioli. That may be the Italian talking in me, but hey, it’s what I feel! Plus, you can totally freeze these and make them later. Vegan ravioli on the fly!!

Have you ever made homemade pasta? Would love to hear your experience.

Have a gorgeous day, friendsssss! xx bianca

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