My Second Trimester

Vegan Pregnancy Second Trimester

The second trimester update! Not going to lie – this was a glorious time to be pregnant. Aside from the minor aches and pains that come along with it, I had my appetite back in full force and all the energy in the world. We got so much done! I’ll recap the weeks below and basically just gush each week about how amazing her kicks are. It’s indescribable.

Week 13: Yay for more energy! We’ve officially started working on the Nursery – slowly, but still. We cleared out the furniture (it was a spare room) and went to IKEA to look at the poang rocker I wanted (and ended up loving – bought!) I also grabbed other miscellaneous things. We’re starting to store it all in there. It may seem a little early, but I would rather do this while I am still sans-bump… and my energy has been on the rise, so it just feels right. I cleaned out closets, moved some stuff around, and just started making room for all the sweet things that will fill her space.

We decided on a name and are using it on a daily basis to really feel it out. We both really love it. But… we are going to keep it a secret from the internet for now. ;)

As far as feelings, still nausea at night – some nights worse than others. But I can’t complain – I’m too excited lately!!

Week 14: I’m having the most bizarre craving for Pringles this week. When do I ever eat Pringles?! I actually ran over to grab some, and ended up grabbing 7 tins because they were on sale. Then eating 1 whole tin on the way home – a cup holder is perfect for this ;)

Other than that, feeling on the up. Had another appointment this week and baby girl’s heart rate is now 157. Still going strong! Oh – and I popped!

Vegan Pregnancy Second Trimester

Week 15: I can’t believe I am already 15 weeks. I’m feeling great during the day, and still a little off at night. This week I’ve been focused on really eating as best as I can. Spinach salads for lunch everyday and guzzling water like it’s my job. I definitely splurged on some junk last week, so it’s been a refreshing week to say the least. Mild nosebleeding (TMI?) and still waiting to feel some kicks/flutters. I absolutely cannot wait!

Vegan Pregnancy Second Trimester

Week 16: I think this is the week where I just start to feel 100% better. No nausea at all – not even at night. Eating really well lately and all my food aversions seemed to have disappeared. Ate a ton of lentil soup this week!! I even ate some thai last night. Whooooo! I’ve also been taking some time to sit still at night and see if I can feel any movement (bubbles or flutters, they say!) Sometimes I think my mind is playing tricks on me. But I’m so excited and think everything I feel means something. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t – but I’m sure it will become clear soon enough.

My mom was here this week too, so we grabbed lots of baby goodies for the nursery. Let the fun begin!

Vegan Pregnancy Second Trimester

Week 17: I don’t have much to update on this week. It’s been steady and the same. Still haven’t felt any flutters/bubbles… I don’t think? Sometimes I think I do and then I think my mind is playing tricks on me. I really can’t say! I’ll just wait for the full force kicks ;)

Vegan Pregnancy Second Trimester

Week 18: Belly continues to grooooow. I can’t believe how fast it suddenly starts to happen. I had my anatomy scan this week which confirmed GIRL! I figured it would, but… you never know! I was definitely relieved because man, I have grown attached to having a daughter. Hip pain starting to kick in, but sleeping with a pillow between my legs seems to help for now.

Week 19: Girlfriend is on the moooove! I really have no words, because it’s just an indescribable feeling. This was a great week.

Week 20: Halfway through! I can’t even believe how fast this pregnancy is going. Her kicks are getting stronger (and still make me smile like crazy every time I feel her). I’ve been ravenous… but not for big meals, really. Mostly just picking like crazy all day. I’ve gained 12 lbs so far, so I think that is pretty good! I thought it would have been way more for some reason, lol! Her nursery is coming along, too. I purchased some wall decals for behind her crib and curtains. It’s starting to come together!

Vegan Pregnancy Second Trimester

Week 21: Starting to feel big over here – especially at night. Turning over is a chore, between the extra pillows between my legs, hip soreness, and the worst of all – leg cramps. There’s literally nothing worse than being abruptly woken up with a charley horse in your calf!! Other than that, so much movement from little lady… it makes me so happy! Joe has started to FINALLY feel some of the kicks – the strong ones at least. It’s really exciting.

I did find out this week (which was a whole thing… I won’t even get into the stress of it) that my placenta is still covering a part of my uterus, which is being monitored. In short, this basically means that if it doesn’t move by my third trimester, I may need to have a c-section. THANKFULLY this does not affect baby girl in any way, which is really the only thing in the world that matters to me. C-section is definitely not ideal (for me personally) but whatever it takes for a healthy baby to be here in September, so be it. I’m just happy she is on the move and growing like crazy!

Week 22: Nothing crazy to report – had another appointment and my dr. has high hopes that my placenta will move so that was good news!

Vegan Pregnancy Second Trimester

Week 23: Strong kicks, sweet girl! Joe can feel most of them from the outside now, and she’s pretty much all over the place. Knock on wood – still no stretch marks. I’m using the coconut oil twice a day. I swear, coconut oil does wonders for everything. Sore hips and shoulders from having to sleep on my side from now on (I usually sleep on my stomach!) I have to say though – can’t complain too much. I’ve noticed that cravings aren’t as intense lately and I have definitely been eating healthier than before (though way more than before). My glucose test is coming up soon and I’m pretty nervous – I feel like everyone I talk to fails the first one! Crossing my fingers.

Week 24: Nothing crazy or new this week – just feeling big and achy in the hips still. Here’s a shot from a walk around our local park. Love.

Vegan Pregnancy Second Trimester

Week 25: Week 25!! I can’t believe there are only 15 weeks left… so bizarre. I’ve been cramping up a bit more lately – especially my hips. My hips are SO SORE. It’s a combination of my hips shifting and also just sleeping exclusively on my sides. Not a good combo. I’ve been using like 5 pillows around me, between my legs, feet, etc. Bedtime is an ordeal. But on a brighter note, sooo much movement from our sweet girl.

Cravings haven’t been so strong lately – just been eating normal and (for the most part) as healthy as I can. The one thing that IS weird: sparkling water. Never in my life have I enjoyed sparkling water – ever. Suddenly it’s all I want. I’ve been loving La Croix and Polar. So weird! But at least it’s healthy.

Vegan Pregnancy Second Trimester

Week 26: I can’t even believe this is my last week in the second trimester. Honestly… how? I was a little taken off-guard because I started feeling little bouts of nausea again (not terrible, but just that lingering “off” feeling). Please let this be all it is. Not looking forward to dealing with that again! Also my hormones are all out of whack because I have been pretty much a psycho and I am not even sure how my husband deals with me some days… I need to just level the hell out LOL. He’s a saint for putting up with me.

I also failed my first glucose test. Boo. I am really bumming about it, but… not much I can do? I have my 3-hour test scheduled for next week. Crossing my fingers hard that there are no complications or issues. I won’t lie – I am pretty much dreading it. Me and needles don’t mix well – never mind not being able to eat for over 12 hours. Ugh. Say a prayer for me.

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