Watermelon Juice (No Juicer Necessary)

Watermelon Juice No Juicer Needed)

I’ll be honest. We bought a juicer maybe 2-3 years ago. It wasn’t a crazy expensive one. I can’t remember for the life of me the brand because we haven’t touched it in so long. It’s actually on a shelf in the storage area of our basement. I love fresh juice, but sometimes the whole hassle of getting it setup and then cleaning it is just too much. I like things done quickly, and juicing is not always the quickest task (not to say it isn’t worth it or anything – I know a lot of people who LOVE their juicers). It’s just not for me.

BUT, I love a good juice recipe that doesn’t require the whole shebang. That’s why I looooove watermelon juice. It can very easily be strained with a mesh strainer and it super refreshing during the summer. Plus it is naturally so sweet, so you really don’t have to add much to it! This is a simple recipe, but I wanted to share in case there are any watermelon lovers here who have not tried this yet.

I prefer to eat my watermelon usually, but this is a good way to not waste a watermelon that may not be as sweet as you thought. Buying watermelon is already a gamble… so at least you’ll have another option if you are not into the texture or sweetness of one that you’ve bought and cut up! There’s always another way to use an ingredient. :)


You will need:

  • 2-3 cups cubed watermelon
  • Juice from 1 lime
  • OPTIONAL: 1/2 cup pineapple

To make:

  • Simply add all ingredients to your blender and run until smooth.
  • Place your mesh strainer over a large bowl and slowly strain out the pulp. You may have to swish the juice around a bit or do this in a few batches to clean strainer and pour more.
  • Serve cold or over ice.

I prefer to add some pineapple if I have it – it gives it a bit more of that natural sweetness without overpowering the watermelon flavor. I’ve also added a couple strawberries before and that was also delicious.

Juice without an expensive juicer – so easy. I hope you’ll try this! xx bianca

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