This took me long enough to put together. I apologize! I had a request for this post a while back. I initially was going to shoot a video… then I shot it wrong and it was a mess. THEN I re-shot it… and it still didn’t look right. It was giving me major anxiety… so much that I put it off entirely and didn’t want to come back to it. AH, I am horrible at video. I want to get better… maybe that will be something I work on this year. But I didn’t want to not write this post because the video wasn’t coming out great.
SO, here I am with a regular ‘ol post. I hope you guys don’t mind. Maybe in the future, I’ll re-shoot and do a fridge and pantry tour. But for now, this is what I have for ya.
Also note – I didn’t even edit these photos. This is a pretty rough look at what we have going on… because it’s real life, right? No one’s pantry or fridge looks perfect at all times… including ours. I’d like to think it looks authentic, lol!
What’s in my fridge and pantry? Well, a whole lot. We keep it pretty stocked up. The fridge part will change more often than the pantry, but I’ll be honest… it looks like the below pretty consistently. It’s winter over here so things aren’t as fresh and colorful as I’d like (hey, maybe I’ll do a video tour in the summer). But we do our best. Let’s start with the fridge.

Top shelf is lots of non-dairy milk. My husband and I drink almond while Willow drinks Ripple and coconut or cashew. Some OJ. BBQ sauce, lentil soup leftovers… and a ton of leftovers on the second shelf… I spy mashed potatoes, rice, yogurt, sweet potato fries… and cat food.

Some carrots, tofu, pickles, tomatoes, blackberries. Then all the bread products – wraps, whole wheat, burger buns, etc.

Top is where greens usually go – looks like we only have celery, broccoli, zucchini, and cucumber on hand this week. Then apples, oranges, pears, lemons, limes.

Some vegan cream cheese and earth balance butter… more milk and Willow’s sippy cups ready to roll.

Hodge podge of condiments and whatnot. Hot sauce, mustards, salsa, jam, soy sauce, thai sauce, bbq sauce.

In the freezer we have some extra ice, raw cashews (for cashew cheese), waffles for Willow, bread, veggie burgers, tempeh. I also spy some chicken breasts for my husband.

A whole lot of frozen veggies, hash browns, and frozen fruit for smoothies.

On the door, we have frozen bananas, walnuts, a rogue veggie burger, dough, and below (you can’t really see them) are frozen muffins and pancakes that I have for Willow.

Grains and more grains. Rice, oats, popcorn kernels, barley, quinoa, freekeh, flours, corn starch, sugar…

Crackers, veggie straws, chips (we don’t usually have chips in the house but this was for company we had for holidays), pastas, noodles.

Willow’s snack drawer, basically. Her crackers, fig bars, cheerios… then mama’s cocoa powder.

This drawer is a mess… so many things lol. Lots of nut butters, canned fruit, coconut milk, apple sauce, salt, bread crumb, condiments, etc.

Canned veggies, beans, tomato base products, etc.

Dry beans and lentils, more popcorn kernels, extra salt…

The baking drawer is a disaster… you accumulate a lot as you continue to bake, honestly. But major ingredients here that I use a lot are flaxseed, baking soda, baking powder, coconut sugar, coconut flour, chocolate chips, date sugar, molasses…

Teas and coffees!

Last but not least, potatoes, onions, garlic, oils, vinegars, etc.
So there you have it. A very real tour of what we have in our fridge and pantry at any given moment. Sorry for the poor quality of photos… I hope you don’t mind. Again, it’s just real life!
Does your pantry or fridge look similar?
I hope you guys have a great day. Glad to finally have this put together and done for you. I hope you enjoyed the tour! xx bianca