I really dig this new format of sharing what I am eating – compiling over the course of a month rather than a structured day. It’s easier for me, and there is a ton to see for you guys :)
Aside from our honeymoon (splurge splurge splurge), I have been really paying attention to my diet lately. I am looking to make some small changes here and there (I kinda always am trying to see what works best for my and how I feel). My mom and I were discussing our eating habits at length recently and we both think it’s time to cut back on the oil we cook with. We’re Italian, so you can imagine how much olive oil we cook with now – literally, it’s on everything. I am also a huge coconut oil advocate – and I’ll still use it to a certain extent… like on my popcorn! – but I do want to also watch my intake and cut back… just to see if I notice any changes or difference in weight/health/etc. We’ll see! I’ll report back if there is anything significant to report. I feel like this oil thing may be harder than when I adopted a vegan diet and gave up cheese!
I also kinda fell off the no-sugar wagon – well, fell off but not as bad as before! For example, I never use sugar in my coffee anymore (huge win for me). I’m also not into the flavor shots anymore, either. Now that the wedding had come and gone and we’re back from the honeymoon, I am ready to commit again and watch my intake. If I do have sweets, it will be something that is totally worth it on the weekend.
I haven’t made up my mind about dates yet – they are loaded with sugar, but… natural sugar? Not sure how I feel yet. Maybe if I am dying for a sweet and losing my mind, I’ll have a date. But… maybe not! I guess we’ll see how I feel. I won’t kill myself over it ;)
Anyways, now that I have rambled on and on about my diet changes as of lately, let’s get to what I have actually been eating. Lots of good stuff (as always!) to inspire.