8 Items to Always Buy at the Thrift Store

Items to Buy At The Thrift Store

Good morning, friends!

Let’s talk about thrifting, because I have been in a mood to thrift a lot lately. Not like we need to be spending the money, but when I do need something, I always browse and keep an eye out at some of my local spots. It can be really addictive to thrift because prices are so low and there are so many treasures waiting to be found… I definitely go in with specific items in mind or else I’d impulse buy more than I need (if I am being honest with myself).

I find it really helpful to keep a running list in my Notes app on my phone so I know exactly what I need and for what. That helps to keep me on track and not lose sight.

It was last summer when I really started to commit to buying more thrift at home. I was buying lots of thrifted clothes and toys for the girls, but still going to bigger stores for my own needs. Now, I have made a very conscious effort to shop less in general, but when I do, I thrift first. It has not only saved us money but has really made me appreciate the pieces we have and make mindful decisions.

Whether you love secondhand or are new to this, I thought it would be fun to share some of the main items I am currently keep an eye out for when I am thrifting. I find that these are easy to take home and clean well and they are always MUCH MUCH cheaper than buying anywhere else. And the best part is that they are always one-of-a-kind.

Baskets. I’ll start with my favorite because I absolutely cannot walk into a secondhand store without looking at their wicker basket selection first. We have a lot of baskets in our home (for toy storage, diapers, books, blankets… you name it, we have a basket for it). I think baskets are great if you have kids because it does a good job at keeping things tidy and looking like an adults-live-here-too space while allowing my kids to have toys in every room of the house… just not in plain view. Anyways, I’ve gotten some for 49 cents and some for $5, depending on size and quality. Whatever the case, I can assure you it is WAY CHEAPER than a home goods store.

To clean, I will soak for about 5 minutes in a bath of soap, water, and lots of white vinegar. I also spray down with my favorite blend of water, vinegar, and essential oils before setting outside in the sun to dry and air out. Just don’t keep in the sun for too long or it can fade.

Items to Buy At The Thrift Store

Storage bins & containers. Mason jars, bins, etc. There is usually a lot to choose from and I like to have these to store dried beans, grains, etc. You know, anything bulk in my kitchen. Or for storage organization in drawers, closets, etc.

Mugs. I have too many mugs, BUT if I find one that is really speaking to me… I can’t help it. I love speckled camp mugs, natural pottery, etc… and sometimes you find a real gem. If you are looking to add or change over the look of your mug collection, go thrifting!

Ceramic/pottery pieces. BUT only if I have a very specific purpose for it. I am not a trinket collector, aside from salt lamps and candles, really, but if I have a specific need for a type of interesting pottery piece or similar, I always check thrift. You are bound to find something unique for a fraction of the “normal” paying price.

Kids books & wooden toys. With so many books circulating in the world, there is really no need to buy something new unless it is the absolute only way you can get your hands on it. I go to Once Upon a Child for books and they are usually buy one, get one free. And they are only priced at $1-3 to begin with… so.

Also wooden toys and puzzles that can be easily washed well. The below haul was from a bit back, but all of that cost me $11.50. These were a part of Willow Christmas haul in 2018.

Items to Buy At The Thrift Store

Clothing. I have been buying kids’ clothes thrift since having mg girls and continue to do so because it never disappoints. It is so satisfying to find clothes for $1-$5, name brand, and have it look brand new once you take home and give it a wash. I am also vowing to start buying thrift for myself this year. I haven’t done this much in the past but am going to dive in the next time I need something for myself or am looking for a specific piece. I am done with fast fashion. Bad for the environment, poor quality, and waste of money.

8 Items to Always Buy at the Thrift Store

Cookware. I think 85% of my pots and pans in the kitchen are thrifted. When Joe and I bought our very first home, my mom and I searched Salvation Army for secondhand stainless steel cookware and scored big time. I still use them all regularly and when I need something new in my kitchen, you bet I am going secondhand. It takes a good scrub and these pieces are good as new.

Wooden serving sets. I love wooden/bamboo kitchen ware and am always looking to add to our collection. A while back, I scored the below for $11… I am still riding the high from this purchase. LOL. This would have been SO EXPENSIVE brand new.

Items to Buy At The Thrift Store

If you are interested, I have also shared specific posts, such as thrifting for a new baby and even toddlers.

What are some of your favorites things to thrift? xx bianca

8 Items to Always Buy at the Thrift Store

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