Hi friends!
I wanted to share some book recommendations today surrounding the topic of getting outside more, no matter the weather. It is summer where I live right now so it is much easier to get out and be active than any other time, but the below books have inspired me to act on this beyond summer and yes, even in the dead of winter.
From solid studies to tips on how to dress, the below books have helped me to shift my mindset that only good weather days are outdoor days. Since implementing this, winters have been less daunting and I have noticed an improvement in my seasonal depression (and yes, just an improvement… I still get down from Jan – March!) If you find yourself in a rut or know in your heart that you should be getting outside more, I hope that the below books will help you, too.
Forest Therapy by Sarah Ivens: I love love loved this book because it was an easy and fast read and shared light-hearted tips on how to really bathe in nature.
The Enchanted Life by Sharon Blackie: What a gorgeously written book that really gets at the heart of what it means to be enchanted and how we have allowed the man-made world to disenchant us. This was a slower read for me and a little tedious at times but it is great food for thought that you can really chew on. I read a chapter every few days.
There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather by Linda Åkeson McGurk: As a mom, this book really did it for me. It goes into the importance of getting outdoors (with kids especially) and truly did shift my mindset on the weather.
How to Break Up with Your Cell Phone by Catherine Price: I know this isn’t a nature book but it definitely went hand-in-hand with the others and is a great supplement to remind you to put your phone down and live in the moment and live the life in front of your own eyes, not on a screen! Highly recommend to everyone.
The Rhythm of Family by Amanda Blake Soule: I’ve mentioned this book a few times now and I think it is just really important and a beautiful way to honor the seasons. Each and every month has something to offer. This helps to inspire you to find the beauty in the changes that unfold throughout the year.
How to Raise a Wild Child by Scott D. Sampson: I finished this one recently and really enjoyed the studies that went along with each tip. It was a deeper dive than the others.