Hi friends!
One of the top questions I get is “how do you read so many books?!” I don’t know what to say really… I am naturally a fast reader and also graduated with an English & Literature degree. Reading a book or two a week was my normal! But honestly, I have just always been a reader and I got faster over time. But even if you are just starting to read more, there are always ways to push yourself to read more books and reach your goals. I do have a few tips that may help you to get started and in a better routine, which can ultimately lead to you becoming a more voracious reader.
So today I wanted to share these tips with you all and I hope that they are helpful. x
How To Reach Your Reading Goal
Utilize GoodReads.
This is step number one, to be honest. GoodReads not only will allow you to set up a yearly goal to keep you on track, it also is a way to rate books you love and keep a running list of the ones you want to get to. Take about an hour one day/night and browse selections and add books that you think you’d enjoy.
Once you get up and running and beginning rating and adding, GoodReads will start to offer recommendations based on what you like. This begins a very exciting cycle of finishing and adding more and more and more. The more books you have lined up and ready, the faster you will want to read and the more determined you will be to work through your list (which will become never-ending, but that is a good problem, in my opinion).
And once you are on GoodReads, go ahead and give me a follow to see what I have been enjoying. ;)
Get a library card.
Step two is to get a library card because can you even believe that most books are completely FREE? You can take out book after book after book without spending a penny. If you love to buy books, that is fine, too, but for me… the library is the way to go. Always check to see if your library has an online catalog so you can order from the comfort of home and simply pick-up at the front desk when the books come in. AND always check to see if they have an Overdrive account to take out e-books for your Kindle, too! Library books on Kindle saved me during the start of the pandemic. Libraries are GLORIOUS.
Set a reasonable goal.
You know yourself better than anyone. Don’t set an extra high reading goal just because someone else’s might be high. Start easy and slow. If you surpass it, awesome!! But don’t set yourself up for failure off the bat. The more you read, you may find yourself becoming faster.
Sign up for Kindle Unlimited.
Speaking of Kindle, Kindle Unlimited is worth it for some people. If you are an avid reader, this will be very worth it since just one e-book a month could cost you $6-10. If you read at least 2-3, you’ve already got your money’s worth. The benefit of Kindle Unlimited is that a lot of lesser known, independent authors who may not have their books in the library will be a part of the unlimited program. I have found some great authors who I couldn’t find at the library by utilizing this! Also, Amazon runs a lot of promotions such as first 2 or 3 months free, so give it a try and see what you think.
Read fiction and non-fiction.
Fiction is my first love but having a few non-fictions at the same time helps me to read more often. How? I’ll find pockets of time during the day while my kids nap or have quiet time to read. BUT I cannot get into fiction during this time because kids continue to pull me out of the experience (naturally, they need our attention!) and I need to be fully immersed in fiction. But I still want to be reading! So I turn to non-fiction. It is easy for me to stop what I am reading when the information is more dry vs. a whole different world.
For me, I read non-fiction during the day when I am in mom-mode and fiction for those early mornings before the house is up or cozy nights before bed. Non-fiction might seem dry or boring to some, but maybe you haven’t found the right topic. There are so many types of non-fiction books. Start with your hobbies or personal interests or something you might want to expand your knowledge on. For me, this was things like dinosaurs, prehistoric times, ancient civilizations, homeschooling, cooking techniques, etc.
Read multiple books at once.
Don’t choose fiction or non-fiction one at a time… read them together! Or even two fiction. That is tougher for me, but some people can do it. Personally, I go back and forth with my current fiction and non-fiction and follow my mood. Your mood might not always align with just one book, so it is nice to read multiple and have your pick when you have a moment to dive in.
Don’t be afraid to stop reading a book.
Okay, this is a biggie. I am serious, people! I feel very strongly about this. Unfortunately, most people cannot stop or refuse to quit a book when they invested time and are halfway through but if you are never wanting to pick a book up once you started, that is a big sign that you are not interested. If it feels like a chore, just stop. The world isn’t going to stop spinning. No one is going to judge you. It just means that the book wasn’t for you and that is okay! And do not invest any more of your precious time. There are too many books out there to read ones that are not enjoyable!
Reading is a pleasure. Do not make it a chore or something on your to-do list. I DNF (did not finish in book speak) plenty of big name books that had all the buzz. I felt guilty for a second and then moved right along and never looked back. Onto the next… there’s no shortage! So in summary, if you need permission to stop reading a book that has stalled your progress, THIS IS YOUR PERMISSION SLIP. Onward!
Listen to audiobooks.
If you don’t always have the time to sit down and read, take advantage of audiobooks (which you can take out from the library or use Audible). This is especially great if you have a long commute to work or take road trips often.
Short books COUNT!
You don’t have to read 400-500 page novels to be considered a reader. Novellas or a book of short stories you can read quickly. I have picked up books, especially non-fiction, that are under 200 pages, heck, even under 150 pages at times. And yes, these books count towards your goal! Don’t discount them.
Follow bookstagrammers.
Instagram is loaded with accounts that recommend books. Find some that share your favorite genres and you’ll always be adding to your GoodReads list. Trust me! This is where I find the majority of my recommendations. My personal favorites are: Book of the Month, Bliss and Books, Stories and Coffee, Some Kind of a Library, and Michelle Reads Books.
Schedule in your reading time.
Decide on the times you want to aim to read. For me, this is before my kids wake up, during quiet time, and before bed. Your times might look different. You may only get time once a day to read, and that is fine. Just make sure you prioritize it… aka do not get sucked into scrolling Instagram or TikTok during your reading time.
Always read before bed.
On that same note, always read before bed. Keep a stack of books next to you at all times. EVEN if you read only a chapter or a couple of pages before getting sleepy, that is still propelling you forward and making progress. And hey, if you are like me, you might think you are tired and then get so engrossed by the story that before you know it, you are pushing midnight to hurry and finish. LOL
Watch less TV.
I feel like this is an obvious one but it is very important. TV time takes away from reading time… period. I got in a major rut watching TV every single night and I felt so blah and sluggish. I still watch certain shows sometimes, but maybe once or twice a week. Reading makes me happier so that is what I do. If you need to find more time in the day to read and reach your goals, cut back on TV.
Make reading an event.
A cozy event, that is. Instead of just sitting on the couch, grab a pile of blankets, prop up with pillows, light a candle or some incense, turn on twinkle lights, put on a soft lamp for your lighting, and add some nice background noise (I always love to listen to gentle rain sounds on YouTube – this channel is the BEST!!) Trust me, you will be looking forward to this the more you do it.
Include your kids.
If you are a parent, this may come in handy. But try to include your kids in this goal of yours. If they are of reading age, maybe set a goal together! You can sit and read in the same room. My girls do not read, but my oldest will sometimes sit next to me with a picture book and browse. Aside from you getting in a couple pages, it is also nice to set an example of you reading for your children. They will mimic what they see!
Choose a thriller.
If you are in a reading rut, I find that the best way to get out of one is to pick up a thriller. Even ones that are not on the best sellers list will have enough oomph and momentum to get you back into the habit. One book that did this for me was Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. My very sweet friend sent me it (Hi Kate!) and it was so good, I blew through it in a day and couldn’t wait to get my hands on more. Another thriller that got me out of a slump in the past was Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. A few others I recommend: The Guest List by Lucy Foley, The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides, Woman in the Window by AJ Finn, The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins, and Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins.