50 Baby Names for Music Lovers

Music Baby Names

Hi friends! Here’s a baby name post for all the music lovers out there. Maybe one of these musical monikers will be the perfect choice for your sweet babe. x


  1. Allegra
  2. Aria
  3. Billie
  4. Calypso
  5. Cecilia
  6. Echo
  7. Etta
  8. Florence
  9. Harmony
  10. Harper
  11. Indie
  12. Janice
  13. Jazz
  14. Lark
  15. Lyra
  16. Lyric
  17. Madrigal
  18. Melody
  19. Octavia
  20. Philomena
  21. Piper
  22. Queen / Queenie
  23. Rhapsody
  24. Stevie
  25. Viola


  1. Anthem
  2. Beck
  3. Bowie
  4. Cadence
  5. Cash
  6. Coda
  7. Dylan
  8. Ellington
  9. Elvis
  10. Gibson
  11. Hendrix
  12. Jackson
  13. Jagger
  14. Jazz
  15. Lennon
  16. Major
  17. Marley
  18. Reed
  19. Rhythm
  20. Ringo
  21. Solo
  22. Strummer
  23. Sway
  24. Wolfgang / Wolf
  25. Ziggy

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