Hi friends :)
If you are a fellow stay-at-home mom like me, I know how the days can feel. Sometimes they seem mundane and never-ending.
We love being home (most, if not all of us, chose this) but we are only human and our patience is only so thick. Over the years, I have learned how to slow down and sink into this role. I make a little extra effort to romanticize this one life I have. Maybe it is the reader in me, wanting to life to feel a bit like a fantasy, but this is something that really has helped mold who I am as a woman and mom. It has made me fall in love with this ordinary and mundane life I have at home with my girls. No comparing our life with others. No wishing the quiet days away.
Maybe you could use a few new ideas to shift your own mindset and tap into the magic of your day. These are not expensive or extravagant. They take hardly any effort, really. Simply turn up your senses and quiet your mind. Notice. I hope that you enjoy the ideas. x
Ways to Romanticize Your Life
1. Get outside everyday.
This seems like a simple thing and maybe it seems obvious to some of you, but a lot of us do not get outside as much as we should. I admit, this is harder for us in the cold months but even then, we still bundle up and try to get out for even 10-20 minutes. Sometimes, I even stick my face out the backdoor and just breathe for a few seconds. But when the weather is mild, we are out as much as we can be.
At first, I didn’t know what to do with myself outside while the kids played. But over time, I have started to tend to a small garden, putter around and water plants, bring my earbuds and listen to a podcast while basking in the sun, read a book myself (or read to the kids), or just PLAY with them. I mean it… sometimes I sit and color with sidewalk chalk. We get time spent together and it makes you feel like a kid again, which we could all use.
2. Find an afternoon pick-me-up.
For a while, this was a homemade mocha latte – iced or hot. Maybe it is a square of dark chocolate and some milky tea or a cup of coffee. Perhaps it’s simply a half hour of your favorite cooking show or sitcom. Find that little pick-me-up you need and make time for it everyday. Savor it. For me, it is usually a cup of tea and a book lately. Sometimes a square of orange chocolate on the side. YUM.
3. Add mood lighting to your home.
Lamps with soft lighting, twinkle lights, himalayan salt lamp candles, tea lights… whatever you got. These are especially beautiful on gray days when the house is a bit darker or in the deep winter when everything feels cold and dark. This has made a world of a difference in the atmosphere of our home!
4. Always have a book on hand.
Take advantage of your local library and grab a book or two to have on hand. When my kids are playing well together, I like to sneak away and get in a chapter or two. I find non-fiction easiest during the day because it is easy to read a bit then switch back into mom mode, saving fiction for after bedtime because I like to sink into the scenes with no interruptions! I share tips on how to read more here.
5. Read aloud to your children everyday.
While you are at the library, make sure you don’t forget books for your kids. Grab a stack of new books and keep in a basket. Choose a time to read and stick to it. Soon, it’ll become habit and something that everyone looks forward to! This is my very favorite way to bond with my children. We read together for at least 15 minutes a day, and many times much longer.
If you simply do not have time to browse the library or don’t feel like it, ask about ordering your books online through their system. Our library does this and it makes it so easy for me to put books on hold and pick them up at the front desk without stepping foot into an aisle! Here’s a list of classics to get you started.
6. Turn on music as background noise.
I love to play classical or coffeeshop instrumental playlists. I truly feel that a calm playlist can set the tone for your entire home and day. Plus, it almost feels like a movie score as you go about your tasks and that in itself is a bit magical. There are so many options to choose from on Spotify or YouTube. This is also a great way to introduce your child(ren) to types of genres and artists.
7. Have dance parties often.
This always changes the mood/energy in our house, especially if we are starting to get tired, snippy, or whiny. With your kids is great and hey, even without your kids while you cook and/or clean! Dance it out and see how much happier everyone is for it.
8. Picnic outside when weather allows.
In the warm months, we eat breakfast on our deck nearly every morning and take lunch out on the grass with a blanket. And many nights, we also enjoy dinner outside.
9. Plant flowers in your backyard.
I made it my mission to plant our favorite flowers right in our backyard (a few for each season) so that we always have fresh flowers to bring indoors). Even for winter, I choose limelight hydrangeas (which thrive in the summer/early fall here) and dry them out to keep on our table all season long. Any and all flowers add a bit of magic to any space.
10. Bake with your kids.
This is not for everyone, but if you can stand it, let your kids help you bake or cook. It takes longer and it is messier but they are learning a life skill and it makes for great memories. Then everyone gets a yummy treat!
11. Add tea time to your weekly rhythm.
Or hot chocolate if your kids aren’t into tea. We really like this in the afternoon during our usual snack break. We will read books or poetry or listen to an audiobook or simply chat while we sit a warm beverage together.
12. Make dinners special every once in a while.
One thing we have started to do many once a week or a few times a month is dress up the table fancy with candles and twinkle lights and add restaurant-type background music. It makes dinner very special and memorable! My kids especially love themes. For instance, when we have baked ziti or lasagna, we turn on Italian music.
13. Consider a window bird feeder.
Not necessary but this inexpensive addition (affiliate link) to our home has brought us so much joy. It forces us all to stop suddenly and quiet our voices to a whisper. We watch in amazement together and have a handy bird guide to try to identify our guest. This is a beautiful way to bring some nature to your life, even while indoors.
14. Open your windows.
It’s free and it makes a huge difference in the air quality of your space. The swooshing of the wind, the gentle cool breeze, the bird songs, the airy curtain… when you stop and notice it, it’s beautiful.