Hi friends!
I know, it has been a while. It’s been a loooong winter. Burnout was real and I needed to step back a bit. I am still trying to find a groove and rhythm here, to be honest. But I couldn’t let spring pass me by without pulling together this blog post because these have been my favorite to write.
See more romanticizing for summer, autumn, and winter.
How to Romanticize Your Spring
1. Cut branches/blooms from outside to bring indoors. My favorite to cut is our forsythia. I cut the branches and force bloom them for a bright and cheery pop of yellow during these early spring days. Also our lilac!

2. Enjoy a spring drink. Add lavender or pistachio simple syrup to your morning coffee. Or swap your hot cup of tea for iced tea. I make ahead by placing 2-3 tea bags in a large mason jar with cold water and let it sit in the fridge overnight. Raspberry is particularly delicious.
3. If you have kids (or even if you don’t) try raising caterpillars to butterflies. This is so much fun.

4. Start your morning with sunshine. Take a few minutes to step outside your front door and face the light.
5. This might not help exactly yet but for future you: plant tulip and daffodil bulbs in the autumn so you are greeted with them by April. The sweetest first signs of spring in your own yard.

6. Open your windows and watch as the gentle breeze makes the curtains dance.
7. Place a bird feeder outside your window to watch and marvel at their return.
8. Listen to birdsong. Really listen. This is a very underrated activity.

9. Make a list of your favorite spring meals. This not only helps you to plan dinners this season, but inspires you to use seasonal produce.
10. Forgo your bed or couch and read outside instead. I love sitting on my rocking chair while I read.
11. Pack a picnic for the park one night. Nothing screams “spring” like a picnic.
12. When in Trader Joe’s, buy yourself the flowers.
13. Find a spring playlist on Spotify and make that the soundtrack to your day. I very much enjoy all of Ophelia Wilde’s springtime playlists.

14. On a similar note, find a spring ambiance video to play as the background to your routine at home.
15. Go strawberry picking if a farm is local to you. Make strawberry muffins, pie, shortcake, pancakes, jam… all the strawberry things.
16. Don’t hate rainy spring days. Embrace their calm and cleansing nature. If you are really feeling up to it, put on your wellies, grab your umbrella, and take a walk. You might be surprised how much you enjoy it.
17. Put on your favorite music and do a spring cleaning/declutter. I love scheduling an entire day for this. It feels so rejuvenating.
18. Enjoy a warm beverage in your favorite spring mug. If you don’t have one, consider finding one that really makes you happy or go thrifting for one!

19. Give your feet and toes some much needed love and lavishing after the long winter. Do an at-home pedicure with a soft pastel color that celebrates the season.
20. Journal a few spring quotes that speak to you and make you excited for the season.
21. Enjoy a sunset with loved ones. Don’t forget a cozy sweater for these still-cool nights.
22. Plant an herb garden, no matter how big or small. I love having a wide variety of pots of my deck for easy access.
23. Put away heavy bedlinens and blankets and break out lightweight yet cozy linens.
24. Make a spring TBR list that will make you excited to pick up a book everyday. Some of the ones on my list this spring: Great Big Beautiful Life by Emily Henry, Strawberry Patch Pancake House by Laurie Gilmore, and Fearless by Lauren Roberts.
25. Wear a dress for no reason at all, but to make yourself feel good. It is enough to bring joy to your day.