Are you guys still enjoying posts like this? I was aiming on posting this at least once a month, but if you are not as interested, maybe once every other month. Let me know in the comments or on IG.
But anyways, here’s another round-up of what my plant-based toddler is eating these days.
Avocado toast, banana, grapes. Tofutti cream cheese with some everything bagel seasoning on wheat… mango and mandarin.Roasted cauliflower + a vegan mac and cheese (made with cashews and more cauliflower).Cheerios mixed with some vanilla soy yogurt and unsweetened cocoa powder. She loves this snack!GF waffles with coconut yogurt and blueberries. Side of banana.Chickpea salad sandwich with peas.Pinto bean, corn, and sweet potato quesadilla with some avocado.Veggie burger and red roasted peppers.This looks so bland! But it’s bananas, pears, and some english muffin with earth balance butter.Avocado toast, mandarins, and bananas. This photo is actually horrible… so sorry it is very blurry.Roasted tempeh + veggies, corn, and potato wedges with some mustard.Bean, corn, + sweet potato quesadilla with a side of olives and baked sweet potatoes.Chickpea salad sandwich with a side of mushrooms.Sweet potato snack.Chickpea salad with a side of avocado.Chocolate + berry oats.Rice and beans, roasted red peppers, sweet potato.Blueberry waffles with a side of mandarins.Mashed avocado in a tortilla with some bananas and sweet potato.Green beans, peas, and pasta salad, roasted peppers, sweet potato.English muffin with earth balance and mandarins.Bean + sweet potato quesadilla with a side of mushrooms.