Hi friends!
I was really excited about my most recent thrift haul for Willow that I decided it was worth a post. I haven’t written one of these a in a while. I’ve talked about thrifting in the past when she was a baby here and here. And yes, we are still thrifting like crazy and she continues to outgrow all her clothing like a weed.
Why do we thrift? Aside from being on a budget and saving money this way, there is no reason in my mind why toddlers need brand new clothes. They get messy quickly and outgrow them in the blink of an eye. I can’t see myself spending more than necessary for these two reasons alone. I think the only time Willow wears brand new clothes is when someone gifts them to her. I am constantly asking for hand-me-downs from friends and hitting up local thrift spots. It just makes the most sense to me.
Here’s just a sample of my most recent haul for spring and summer. She was already given some hand-me-downs of shorts, so I focused more on tops and dresses on this trip. I scored these 7 items below for $20.50. Crazy, right?

The price breakdown:
- Blue tank top (Carters): $1.50
- Gray tank top: $1.50
- Gray tee (Cat & Jack) : $2.50
- Light blue tee (Cat & Jack): $2.50
- Romper (Carter’s): $3.50
- 2 Dresses (H&M): $4.50 each
I was really excited with this haul! So many cute, name brand items. This particular store (it’s called Once Upon a Child) also had a crazy good sale going on for new moms. Basically, any items that were sized 0-18 months were eligible for the sale. If you spent $10 you save 10%. If $20, 20%. It went all the way up to $50, 50% off. I’ve never been more sad that Willow wears 24 months and 2T. LOL What a crazy deal. AND you also got 10 bodysuits free of charge. This store always had good deals like this going on, so it is so worth it to always stop in and check.
If you’re wondering if there is any rhyme or reason to my thrifting, I’ll be honest. I have a few rules when it comes to clothes and some tips.
- No stains, pilling, or fading. Really inspect each item of clothing to make sure it looks “new.”
- Look for name brands. Keep your eyes peeled for name brands that you like. I always keep my eyes open for Cat & Jack, GAP, Carters, H&M, etc.
- Don’t overpay. Personally, I do not like to spend more than $5 or $6 dollars on thrifted kids clothing, unless is is something special. Something special might be a dress for a holiday or snow pants (I scored GAP snow pants for her for $10 last year). But if it is just a tee, shorts, sweater, etc, I keep it under $5.
- Check boys and girls section. I have a daughter, but I still browse the boys section! Lots of unisex items can be found there. Girl needs some dino shirts, too.
- Visit often. I try to visit at least once a month because clothes cycle in and out of there soooo quickly.
- Always ask about deals or specials. Like I mentioned above, a lot of places will have daily, weekly, or monthly deals to move product quickly. Don’t hesitate to ask.
- Ask about the return policy. They can be quick, like 7 days only to return. It’s good to know for kids clothing, especially if you aren’t sure on sizing.
Maybe you are new to thrifting or maybe you have always been a thrifter, but I hope some of these tips helped and inspired you to check out your local spots. I’m gonna make an effort to shop used for myself, too. I really don’t buy myself clothes really ever anymore, but it doesn’t hurt to browse every once in a while. It is definitely something I am working on!
Share some of your best tips with me in the comments if you have ’em! Thanks for reading along. :)