We’re just about a month out from Easter – weee! Putting together baskets has to be one of my very favorite things to do as a mama. Christmas is the ultimate, of course, but there is something special about Easter. Maybe it’s because the nice weather is coming and everything feels fresh with spring on the way… giving me an excuse to buy all the fun warm-weather activities and clothing.

Making magic for my girls around the holidays is probably one of the best parts of this gig. Honestly. It just makes me so happy. I know I can go a little overboard, but we don’t buy or spoil them with gifts any other time other than holidays or birthday… so this works for us. I also tried to do a good mix of things they will need regardless and fun stuff.
I want to point out their name tags – love!! I had my eye on these from Chalk Designs By Me on Etsy for a while. Finally grabbed them and so glad I did. They are absolutely stunning. Be sure to check out her store and IG if you love them!
The baskets themselves are from Target. I grabbed them the week after Easter last year at 50% off (score) and I will continue to use them over the years.
If you want more ideas than just the below, you can also check out past Easter basket posts – infant and 1-year old. And just recently I put together a post with 75+ filler ideas for girls (and boys, too, but mostly girl ideas). But anyways! Onto their baskets this year.
NOTE: This post contains affiliate links, which means that I’ll receive a commission if you purchase from this link. This will not change or increase the cost of your purchase. This extra income provides for my family and keeps The Friendly Fig running strong.
Willow’s Basket (2.5 year old)

Let’s start with Willow! She’s going to actually “get it” this year and that alone makes this year that much more awesome. Because of this, her basket has a bit more to boast than Fiona’s. After this year, I am sure their baskets will start to be much more similar. She has a bit of a gardening theme going on because we are starting a veggie garden this spring and working on floral window boxes. She is so excited about it, so I know that having her own gardening items will go over well. But anyways, here’s a closer look at what’s inside.

I grabbed two books for each girl from Book Outlet; one Easter-themed and one spring-inspired. Willow got The Little Rabbit and Mrs. Peanuckle’s Flower Alphabet (we’ll definitely be learning more about flowers as we plant!)
The Target Dollar Spot has a 3-pack of gardening tools for little hands and they are just adorable (and only $5).
Found her very own yellow watering can at the Christmas Tree Shop for under $2. I already know this is going to be her favorite (she loved watering our herbs last summer).
These croc-type shoes are THE BEST. She had a pair last summer and wore them every. single. day. They are breathable, comfortable, and the best part… EASY TO CLEAN. Rinse under water and you are good to go.
Is there anything sweeter than flower power sunnies? Grabbed an 8-pack on Amazon so we have back-ups if they break.
Truth be told, this was her swimsuit from last summer. But I stored it away and don’t *think* she will remember or think anything of it. It looks like it’ll still fit. If not, I’ll replace. But hey! Love reusing!
From the Target Dollar Spot and a necessity for summer artwork.
A fresh pot of yellow Play-Doh to add to our ever-growing collection. I have a few small (thrifted) play-doh tools that I am using as fillers for her egg hunt, too.
What I like about this snack cup is that it has a LID. Perfect when on the go.
I saw this on a whim while at the Christmas Tree Shop and thought it would be a fun activity. She loves dinos and you just add to water and watch it hatch and grow over a few days.
For our garden (plus, they are just fun in general).
Because it is even an Easter basket without bubbles?
I grabbed MALA stamp markers from Ikea and put one in each of the girls’ baskets.
The Lindt dark chocolate bunny (with the brown ribbon) is the only non-dairy bunny I found in stores. I know you can orders others online, but this one works just fine. This is the only candy she will get… and she’s going to love. She’s a chocolate lover (like most of us).
She has three eggs and 1 carrot container, which are filled with small stamps, Annie’s bunny fruit snacks, Annie’s bunny crackers, and some stickers.
Fiona’s Basket (5 months old)

Sweet Fiona. You are not going to have a clue, so a lot of your items have been handed down. LOL! Not all, but just a few (I’ll call out below). Her basket will surely be more fun in the future, but there’s a few gems that she will be needing regardless, so they were added. Here’s a closer look.

Like Willow, Fiona also got two books (Easter-themed and spring-inspired). She got Bunny Roo, I Love You and The Honeybee.
Her very first sippy! The first of many.
These were Willow’s but are still in great condition (because she hardly wore them, really). Hand-me-downs are the best.
Another hand-me-down that was used once by Willow. It’s too sweet.
She won’t be wearing or using these for a while, but she needs her own pair like big sis, too.
Teething ahead (yikes) so we have a few different ones: carrot, fawn, and pineapple.
Her own snack cup like big sis, but a llama llama.
Also Willow’s, but too cute to not pass down and include.
For the garden, again.
I’m sure Willow will be using these, but hey… every kid gets bubbles. No matter what the age. That look of wonder is enough for me.
Included one of these in her basket, too.
Fi has three eggs and 1 carrot container, which are filled with small stamps and some stickers. I understand she isn’t going to open them, but I know Willow will enjoy “helping her.”

I can’t wait for our little buns to see their baskets. Being a parent rocks. :)
I hope you enjoyed the ideas and inspiration. If you want to shop everything in one spot, you can find all product links on my Amazon Storefront (might be easier!) Thanks for sticking around and being a part of our corner of the world. xo