What’s In My Toddler’s Easter Basket 2019 (Video!)

What's In My Toddler's Easter Basket 2019 (Video!)

Can you believe it, friends? I created another video! Just took me over a year to do it, but I did. I hope that you appreciate this one – it was much easier to take a video than only photos. I love watching videos like this for ideas, so I hope that you guys enjoy it too.

I won’t ramble too much, but just a few notes.

As I started putting the basket together, I started to see just how much I had for her. I may actually save some coloring books/stickers/play-doh for another day or occasion. Maybe, maybe not. I haven’t decided! Like I mention in the video, we do not buy her toys or trinkets throughout the year. She has so many toys that she is gifted from her grandparents and great grandparents. For holidays, I like to spoil a bit because I love to see her reaction.

The items were all from the Dollar Store, Target, and Wal-Mart. The most expensive items were honestly the finger paints, Daisy plush, and Play-Doh set ($5 each). Everything else was between $1-$3.

I’ll also be filling eggs with some Annie’s bunny crackers when it gets closer to Easter. But anyways, onto the video. I hope you enjoy it!

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