Hi friends!
I loved pulling this post together. I’ve been sharing what I have been reading much more often on my Instagram and so many of you have expressed interest in how I read so often. To be really honest, I think it is mostly due to my background. I graduated with a degree in English & Literature. I was taking at least 4 classes per semester with required reading so I often had to finish 3-4 books in a week or so – you kinda had to learn to be a fast reader to keep up!)
But even before that, I honestly just grew up loving books. Then I graduated college, got a job, got married, and had kids… books had taken a backseat. I didn’t read very often for a few years – and I really missed it! So this year, I made the resolution to read 100 books. The year hasn’t even ended and I have already read nearly 120 books – weeee! But trust me, I make quite an effort to keep up the momentum.
So today (by popular demand) I am sharing my best tips to read more books. These are some of the things that have seriously helped me to meet my goals and have propelled me into being a better read (once again, finally!) I hope these tips help you, too. x
#1: Get a Library Card
The most obvious, but really. It is free! Libraries are awesome! You can order any book right from the comfort of your home and pick-up when it is ready if you don’t feel like going in to browse! I can’t express enough that the #1 thing that will help you read more is to stop buying books and take out loans (FREE BOOKS) from the library.
#2. Read Kindle Books from the Library

Okay, so I did NOT know about checking out Kindle books from the library until this year. I know. But yes, you can! If your mind is blown, don’t feel bad because mine was, too. Visit your local library’s website or give them a call to learn more. It is SO EASY to have them delivered to your Kindle.
#3: Follow Book Rec Accounts
I started following Instagram accounts that recommend books and share reviews. This keeps my list of things to read growing and excites me to expand my horizon a bit, too. Some of my favorites are: Book of the Month, Reese’s Book Club, GoodReads, Bibliolifestyle, and Michellereadsbooks. Michellereadsbooks recently shared books to read if you love Gilmore Girls and yeah, that list did NOT disappoint!
#4: Read Fiction & Non-Fiction

This is one tip that really helps me, personally. Fiction is my first love but having a few non-fictions at the same time helps me to read more often. How? I’ll find pockets of time during the day while my kids nap or have quiet time to read. BUT I cannot get into fiction during this time because kids continue to pull me out of the experience (Willow might need a snack or need my assistance, or something) and I need to be fully immersed in fiction. But I still want to be reading! So I turn to non-fiction. It is easy for me to stop what I am reading when the information is more dry vs. a whole different world. So for me, non-fiction during the day when I am in mom-mode and fiction for those early mornings before the house is up or cozy nights before bed.
#5: Use GoodReads
My friend Kate turned me onto GoodReads (thanks, bae!) and I am hooked. I not only find the majority of the books I read by browsing the site, but I am able to track what I am reading, shelf books for later, rate books, and set challenges. This is a great motivator and also just awesome to read reviews on books you are interested in. I can’t tell you how much I love this website. You can follow me on there if you are already a member (it is free!)
#6: Set Aside Designated Time
There has to be some time you set aside no matter what. This might mean waking up a little bit earlier (even just a half hour to get a chapter or so in) or maybe during your lunch break. Maybe it is immediately after dinner or right before bed. Whatever the time, make it a date. Set a reminder on your phone if you have to! Carry books or your Kindle along with you to appointments, too. You can always read in the car if you are waiting!
#7: Watch Less TV
This is a biggie because TV was my choice of entertainment after a long day for years and year. I binged pretty much whatever was on Netflix or would just watch Office re-runs over and over and over. And there is always a time and place for tv but I decided that it wasn’t going to be my main source of entertainment this year. So we keep the tv off entirely once the kids go to bed and read! Sometimes my husband and I will sit together or he will do something else, but we both know that at some point in the evening, we will be reading. I would say maybe once or twice a week we decide to watch something on TV… but sometimes we don’t even do that! It has been very liberating and I find myself more satisfied and calm before bed. Which brings me to my next point…
#8: Read a Chapter Before Bed

Reading before bed vs. scrolling or watching YouTube or whatever else is so relaxing and it honestly prepares you for sleep (unless you are reading a thriller… which can keep you up a little later than you wish, lol!) I tend to read an easy-going book right before bed and it knocks me out while still allowing me to fit in a chapter or so.
#9: Create a Reading Corner
You don’t need a whole ordeal or space to make it happen. You don’t need anything fancy. I have a comfy chair, a blanket, and a lamp in a corner of our bedroom. This is my reading corner if I am not on the couch with my husband. It sets the mood and is “my” spot. It feels luxurious, haha!
#10: Include Your Kids
If you are a parent, reading can take a back seat for a while but I started to read next to my daughter during quiet time. She picks out a book for herself while I have mine and we sit quietly together with a blanket and read our own books. She will stop me to show me things (she’s 3) so I tend to stick with a non-fiction read during this time (I like to be engrossed in fiction!) It’s one of my favorite times of day now. Plus, it just fuels her own love of reading!