Hi friends!
We’ve talked about Language Arts already, so naturally… math follows. These are our two major focuses alongside nature studies and crafts. Everything else at this point is minor (geography, social studies, history, science, etc.) I initially didn’t plan on working on a lot of math this year but she has been really excited about it so I gently introduced concepts with a handful of resources below.
We have decided on a math curriculum which I am VERY VERY excited about. We will be using Kindergarten Math with Confidence from Kate Snow. I am just in love with this curriculum. It is gentle and playful while building a solid foundation in number sense. I encourage you to check it out if you haven’t heard of this curriculum. However, I do not plan on starting this until Willow is closer to 5-6 because there is no real rush, so in the meantime, we dabble in math using the below books, manipulatives, and games.
It is all about making math come alive and just plain FUN at this age. We do a few of these things maybe 2-3 times a week. She is very much leading the way at this stage.
I hope you find something new or inspiring here. If you want to see an updated list of all our favorite homeschool resources, you can find it HERE. x
Amazon affiliate links below.
Math Resources for our 4-YO
– Mathematical Reasoning – I love how laid back this approach is. Very minimal writing and a conversational way to get your child thinking about math. We sit on the couch with a snack and blankets and do a few pages together here and there.
– Star Wars Kindergarten Math Skills
– 100s chart bubble pop widget – working on counting to 100 and this was a fun addition
– Grapes of Math book
– Math for All Seasons book
– Me and the Measure of Things
– Bedtime Math book
Math Media/Video
– Mathseeds app
– Number Blocks (Netflix)
– Let’s Count to 100 song (both my kids love this)
Math Games
– War card game (less than, greater than, equal to)
– Pop for Addition and Subtraction
– Dominos (great for addition and instant number recognition)