What I’ve Been Eating Lately (Whole Foods Plant-Based)

Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately

Hi friends! It’s about that time again. Here’s a look at what I’ve been eating lately. If this is your first time here, I eat a whole foods plant-based diet, oil-free and minimal processed foods. It’s what makes me feel my very best (and it’s deeeelicious).

Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Salad topped with chickpea apple salad and some toasted pita.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Apple cinnamon oats.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
A no-nori sushi bowl with rice, carrots, cukes, sauteed mushrooms, avocado, soy sauce, and sesame seeds.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Black bean tostadas with queso, lettuce, lime, and corn.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
An air-fried breakfast cookie (I got this recipe from High Carb Hannah’s YouTube channel).
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Spinach and zucchini with queso.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Oats with caramel date sauce and chocolate sauce.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Rice, corn, tiny potatoes, broccoli, and queso.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Oats with ground flax, cinnamon, raspberries, and chocolate sauce.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
No-fish and no-nori sushi bowls for me and the girls. I like using mushrooms sauteed with soy sauce and ginger for the meaty base and add in things like edamame, shaved cucumber, carrot matchsticks, avocado, and sesame seeds.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
More oats, surprise surprise!!
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Sauteed zucchini and spinach with some potatoes, beans, and queso.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Almond oats (I add a bit of almond extract) with cinnamon and berries.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Potato and green bean curry over rice and greens.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Oat pancakes and berries. Recipe for pancake base here.
Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately
Chocolate baked oats with banana and pb drizzle.

For more budget-friendly recipes and information on how to save money on a plant-based diet, download my eBook: My Budget-Friendly Plant-Based Kitchen.

My Budget Friendly Kitchen eBook

Plant-Based Meal Ideas: What I've Been Eating Lately

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1 Comment

  1. Love this!! Thank you for sharing 👏🏻👏🏻😍

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