Art Supplies We Use the Most in Our Home

Art Supplies We Use the Most in Our Home

Hi friends :)

I’ve mentioned on Instagram and probably on here before that one of my strengths as a mother is allowing my kids to create freely and exercise their artistic license. I do not stress too much about the mess (even the dreaded glitter) and I keep the majority of our art supplies out within reach.

I have two spots in my home for this: on our dining room table on the main floor I keep loose paper, notebooks, coloring books, crayons, and colored pencils out so they can create/write/draw at any time. There is also a small cabinet near the table for storage.

Downstairs is their space (where the majority of their toys live, all the homeschool stuff, games, etc.) and that is where they have access to a craft closet that has all the bell and whistles.

I wanted to share a list of our favorite supplies with you all. Crafting doesn’t have to be expensive at these ages, but it is important to invest in a variety (to me, anyway!) I am including Amazon (affiliate) links for reference below but what’s nice is the fact that the Dollar Tree has so many great options. Pictured above is our plastic organizer filled with all Dollar Tree finds (including the organizer itself!) I highly recommend scouring their art aisle to start of your collection. I have had good luck in the Target dollar spot, too.

At four and two, I am not buying top quality products just yet, but as their appreciation grows and they get older, I will expand and invest in better quality. For now, I like a lot of Crayola because they are easy to wash.

In our art closet, we have:

I am always adding to their collection, especially around birthdays and the holidays. If someone asks for ideas, I always mention art supplies! Consumable and creative. The perfect combination. x

Art Supplies We Use the Most in Our Home

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