Hi there mama or dad!
If you are here, you are probably having a good time trying to entertain your toddler during the winter… indoors. ;)
Sure, we try our best to get outside as much as possible (the quote does say: there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing). Getting outside is great for you and your littles, so definitely do it. Warm hats, gloves, heavy coats, snow pants, boots, double up on socks… do what you need to do to get out there… but I know we don’t always have the energy to do it or the desire to be outside in the cold weather for longer than 15 minutes. I hear you and I see you.
Let me just say – I am no expert. But I AM a mom who is doing her best to keep her 1 and 3 year-olds busy. So I’m compiling some of the indoor activities we turn to most frequently. These are very straight forward. While I wish I was the over-the-top creative mom who can make crafts all day long… truth is, I am not. Once in a while, yes. But it is not a regular occurrence. The below, however, are easy enough and are activities I can get behind (and get 30 minutes of quiet to prep food). I hope that these are helpful for you.
#1: Watercolor
Sometimes you are not mentally there to have your kiddo painting but I find that watercolor is much easier to manage and clean up. Give your kiddo a color or two and let them create. Sure, it isn’t mess-free but it really will keep them entertained and letting kids create and get messy is part of the fun. ;)
#2: Dinosaur dig

Kinetic sand is the best. If you don’t have some, invest in some!! We keep it in this bin at all times and will add new dinosaurs and tools here and there. Use some plastic Easter eggs and place little dinos in it for “hatching” and bury some dinos for a dig (we just use extra paint brushes for that). This is such a fun activity. I love to watch and listen to the commentary.
#3: Underwater animals or animal baths.
I got this idea of “animal baths” from Kallie Branciforte. Grab a bin or plastic tub, fill up with water and a little soap, and add aquatic animal figures or any animal figures and let your kiddo pretend to give them a bath. I gave my kids a cheap toothbrush and a couple foam paintbrushes, to use as “scrubbers.” This is a really big hit in our house!
#4: Cardboard box coloring/tunnels
Have some leftover boxes from the holidays? Open the ends and see how many you can connect to make a tunnel. Let your kids color and decorate it. You can even add windows to make it extra special. ;)
#5: Play-doh

You can use the store-bought stuff on make your own, but your kids will stay busy with this. Provide plenty of “tools” from rolling pins to cookie cutters. All kids love play-doh.
#6: Lacing activity
You’ll need some thick string or pipe cleaners (I like these for younger toddlers) and some fruit loops or macaroni or whatever you have that has a big enough hole to be strung. I usually do fruit loops/apple jacks and pipe cleaners and it is a hit. My 3-year old like to make “bracelets” with it.
#7: Hide the _____.
This is one to do together. Hide the BLANK. It can be anything on the small side but we usually tend to choose one of the girls’ animal figurines. So for example, hide the tiger. My daughters (mostly the 3-year-old) will hide her eyes or leave the room while I hide the tiger in the living room somewhere. Then she has to find it. YUP. THAT SIMPLE. My daughter is obsessed with this game. LOL Just try it and see.
#8: Paint in a plastic baggie

Pour 2-3 colors of paint into a large zip-loc bag and seal well (I use packing tape to make sure all sides are reinforced). Tape up onto a window and allow your children to “finger paint.” This is particularly great with 18 months – 2 year olds.
I know these are simple but I hope something jumped out at you. I know this season is hard for a lot of people and having some tricks and activities up your sleeve can make a world of a difference. x