Infant Products I Still Use for My Toddler

Infant Products I Still Use for My Toddler

Truth be told, there are sooo many products that I used with Willow as a baby that I still use to this day – and she’s 2.5 years old. I feel like these are the real deal products that are a must-have (for our family, at least!) It’s nice to know that you definitely got your money’s worth, especially when it comes to baby products because we all know there are a ton on the market and they are not always cheap.

I thought it would be fun to share some of these with other mamas who may be expecting their first (or second, third, fourth…) Maybe these products will also become 2-year staples in your home.

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— Burp cloths. Starting with these because I can’t believe that I have actually used these almost everyday for 2 years. And not just any burp cloths, but the inexpensive, no-frills cloth diaper inserts. They went from burp cloths to drool cloths to clean-up cloths during mealtimes and are still my go-to cloths to wipe her down after every meal. No need for paper towel to clean-up after a messy meal when you have these babies on hand. We have probably 30 at this point and I DON’T REGRET A SINGLE ORDER.

White noise machine. We have used this plug-in white noise machine from day one. She tends to pick and choose when she wants it on now, which is fine by me. She does love the moon and stars projected on the ceiling… a subtle night light, too. With another baby in the house, this is especially invaluable so she doesn’t always wake up to every cry.

Swaddle blankets. These aden + anais swaddle blankets have been used for everything, from swaddling to tummy time to an actual blanket to nursing cover and now to Willow’s “blankie.” She doesn’t go to sleep without at least one of them. They are soooo soft.

Sippy cups. We have a couple different kinds that we use and like, from straw to tilt-back to training. These are our three favorites and we still use them all for different situations. She uses the Munchkin 360 for water, the Avent straw cups for milk, and the re-play sippy for bedside water (they have never leaked for us!)

Flatware and utensils. Love these bowls, plates, and utensils. We have pretty much used them all as soon as she started eating solid meals.

Humidifier. This will be used for many many years to come, I am sure. Whenever Willow is sick, this bad girl is running.

Monitor. We are still using our monitor (tri-level home) and I’m very happy with the peace of mind it brings.

Forever car seat. We transitioned from a newborn car seat to the convertible one probably around 7 months? I can’t remember exactly, but this will continue to grow with her.

Stroller. She much prefers to walk these days, but we still have her stroller and yes, it still gets use.

So overall, I would say that all of these things have been good investments on our end. I hope that this was even the slightest bit helpful if you are working on your own registry or list. Thanks for reading. xx bianca

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