Hi friends :)
More vegan/plant-based/vegetarian kids meal inspiration because I know so many of you are here for that. I am giving you a glimpse inside my Notes app on my phone because this exact list is sitting in there… my master lunch list! I keep this handy so that I never have to wonder “what should I make the kids for lunch today?” When I plan out my dinners, I will also jot down 4-5 of the choices from the list below so I have an idea what I’ll need to prep for lunch.
I usually prepare lunch first thing in the morning after my kids are done with breakfast. Some of the below need more prep than others (I will put a * next to the ones that are not as grab and go). I do also prep on the weekends sometimes to make things easier during the week (like a pot of soup or the baked tofu sticks).
With the options below, I will serve veggies and fruit on the side to round out the meal. Sometimes I’ll add a packaged snack, like Hippeas, pea crisps, pretzels, veggie sticks, raisins, applesauce pack, etc.
I hope that you can add some of these to your own master list – or hey, start a list if you don’t have one. It really is a game changer. And just to let you know… none of these things are groundbreaking. This is simple stuff, folks!
- PB&J
- Vegan grilled cheese
- Homemade or canned soup with bread and butter to dunk*
- Tofurky and vegan cheese sandwich or roll-up (in tortilla)
- Hummus wrap
- Vegan cheese quesadilla
- Homemade “lunchables” with vegan deli meat, vegan cheese, and crackers (let them assemble themselves… kids really love taking ownership of this)
- Baked tofu sticks/bites*
- Bean, cheese, and salsa burritos
- Banana and peanut butter rolled up in a tortilla (sliced like sushi)
- Pasta with jarred red sauce (sometimes I blend white beans or cashews into the jarred sauce)*
- Pizza pinwheels (add jarred marinara and cheese to a tortilla, heat to melt, roll, and slice)
- Vegan chik’n tenders and dip*
- Toasted english muffin & cheese sandwich
- Avocado toast sticks
- Vegan cream cheese and jam sandwiches and/or crackers
- Vegan mac and cheese (boxed or homemade)*
- English muffin pizzas
- Mashed white bean or chickpea salad sandwiches
- Leftovers (always the best)
If you are interested in seeing easy breakfast options, head over to this post with 15 of easy go-to choices. Thanks for reading and being here. x