Hi friends <3
We’ve stepped into a new year but our rhythms and routines have stayed the same. Having young children under five means that the flow of life is always shifting, but we have found peace in a slower pace this season with systems in place that have simplified the number of decisions to be made. We have made room for more quiet, spontaneity, and rest. I sit with my cup of milky tea, notebook, and pen, jotting down dinner plans, and placing our online grocery order (this switch made a world of a difference). With this minimal planning at the start of the week, the remainder of our days are open to let in more crafts, more play, more time spent with friends, more reading, more of the good stuff that makes life grand.
I am often able to finally “hang back” and watch my girls play together while I write, read, listen to a podcast, or just sip my warm beverage. I do not fill those idle moments with rushing around and cleaning. Sure, I tidy (at the end of the day typically). But rushing around and tiring myself out is not how I desire to live my life.
So today, I’m sharing a bird’s eye view of how my week looks – from daily tasks (I keep it minimal) to the general dinner plans. I say general because I find that choosing a set “dinner idea” leaves enough room to use what we have on hand, but keeps it just narrow enough so I am not completely lost on what to make. If you’d like a closer look at our daily rhythm, you can find that here. But today, let’s take a step backwards and see how the week is laid out.
Sundays: Rest and family fun day. Always starts with pancakes and books. Maybe we take a ride to our local farm stand for produce. Maybe we stop by our favorite cafe for coffee and vegan treats. Maybe we go outside with the kids. Maybe we take a family walk. Maybe we head to the coastline to play on the deserted beach. Maybe we just lounge in our jammies and watch movies or play games. Sundays are wide and free and reserved for togetherness. Dinner: Leftovers or a Sunday Italian gravy
Mondays: Minimal planning to get the week of to a good start. I sit down with my cup of coffee, latte, or tea and plan out specific meals we will have based on the theme of the night. I’ll do any food prep that wasn’t done yesterday (maybe bake tofu or roast veggies). I’ll tidy up, organize, or clean while my kids are immersed in play. We homeschool, play outside, read… there is a lot of free play in our days (as you will see as this list progresses). Dinner: Mom’s Choice (I choose something to make based on what we have in the fridge)
Tuesdays: Homeschool pod day with our best friends. <3 We spend a good chunk of the day together from 10-2/3ish. Lots of outside play (when weather allows), arts, crafts, board games, seasonal lessons, books, imaginative play. We all get to eat lunch together. Kids get to be kids. Moms get to relax and hang out. Tuesdays are the best. Dinner: Mexican food (burritos, tacos, enchiladas, burrito bowls, nacho plates, etc.)
Wednesdays: Homeschool, play, outdoor time, read. Visits with my Nana. Errands such as Target pick-up or a mid-week library trip if we need to get out. Dinner: Pasta night
Thursdays: Homeschool, play, outdoor time, read. Often times, we have another play date with whoever is around. Sometimes we go to the zoo. I place our grocery order online so my husband can pick it up on his way home from work. Dinner: Soup, Stew, or Curry
Fridays: Fun Fridays are different every week. Sometimes a play date or visit with family. Sometimes it’s lots of board games. Like every other day, we go outside for as long as we are able in winter weather. Fridays are relaxed. It’s also a day to get started on laundry that has piled up and put the house back in order after a week of living and playing. Movies or documentaries. Dinner: Breakfast for dinner or leftovers
Saturdays: Weekly library trip. Running any errands or visiting the thrift store. Cleaning bathrooms, stripping beds, washing sheets. Prepping food for the week ahead (making rice, Crock Pot beans, chopping vegetables, prepping fruit, etc.) Sometimes we bake a yummy treat like butternut squash loaf or muffins to enjoy. Dinner: Homemade pizza by Dad and the kids