Hi friends. I wanted to check in with you guys on the topic of what I’ve been eating and how my mindset around food has shifted in the last year or so. After all, this blog started out exclusively as a food diary when I started eating vegan. I like how it has changed with me over the years to encompass all parts of my life, but food will always be a central piece. I love sharing meals and recipes with you guys and love even more to hear from those of you who have switched to a plant-based diet because of the things I share here. (Thank you for being a voice for the animals – always my very first reason for eating this way!)
I have struggled with eating nearly all my life. I’ve talked about it in the past. The older I get, the more my goals have shifted from “looking good” to just wanting to be healthy all around – inside and out. When it was about losing weight to look good, I turned to diets like WW and then would restrict and inevitably binge and gain weight back. It was a vicious cycle. I was an unhealthy vegan, enjoying a whole lot of processed foods. That is not how I want to live. Don’t get me wrong – I am not perfect and still enjoy my dark chocolate every night. I still enjoy vegan cake, pizza, mock meat, vegan cheese, etc. but it is much less frequently because my body just doesn’t feel great afterwards and I have finally decided not to stand for it (it only took 33 years!)
So over the last year or so, I have read and reread books on whole foods nutrition (I will list my favorites below). I have found that omitting processed and refined oil and sugar has helped to avoid that sluggish feeling. I opt for whole grains vs. processed (things like sprouted breads, whole wheat wraps and pitas, brown rice, oats, barley instead of white flour products). I eat all the starches I want in the form of vegetables, beans, and legumes. I eat fruit whenever I want, as much as I want. I eat greens every day. I fill every plate with at least half non-starchy vegetables and that is truly what allows me to eat large bowls with literally a lb of food on them. If I am having pasta (and I do still enjoy white pasta), I always make sure I add in lots of veg like spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, etc. Instead of packaged vegan cheese, I make my own cashew queso or cashew cream. I make dressings from nuts, seeds, and beans instead of oil.
My body functions best when I choose low-density foods, high-carbs like potatoes and grains, high fiber, and low fat. Low fat, not to be mistaken with NO fat. I love nuts, seeds, tofu, and avocado. Every day have 1 tbsp of ground flax in my oatmeal and cashews in some form. But my fats are whole food fats. A lot of people ask how I cook without oil and to be honest, I saute in vegetable stock or water. If I need something to not stick, I just use a quick non-stick spray, if anything. All of this to say that I finally eat as much as I want without having to count calories or restrict myself because I am eating foods from the earth in their glorious whole form. What started as a way to feel better inside and to improve my gut health turned into the loss of 25 lbs over the last year. It was slow and steady and natural. Eating simple foods and meals has changed my life and my mindset. I have more energy, clearer skin, and less moodiness.
The other bonus in all this is not having to spend hours thinking of meals or making complicated recipes because when you have simple ingredients and eat meals that truly just consist of “components” like a grain, veggie, protein, and dressing… everything comes together in no time.
I have shared a few posts with my go-to meals. For more ideas:
My Go-To Whole-Foods Plant-Based Breakfasts
7 Healthy Ways I Satisfy My Sweet Tooth
10 Vegan Meals That Keep Me Feeling Good
12 Staple Foods That Keep My Body Happy
10 Meals I Eat When I Want to Lose Weight as a Vegan
What I’m Eating Lately – one | two | three | four | five | six
A few books that educated me along the way and I highly recommend are the following (affiliate links):
– How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger
– How Not to Diet by Dr. Michael Greger
– Fiber Fueled by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz
– The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall
– Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
– The End of Dieting by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
– Your Body in Balance by Dr. Neal Barnard
– The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner
I also find a lot of inspiration from YouTubers like Five Sec Health, Plantiful Kiki, High Carb Hannah, and Chelsea Mae Cullen.
But there ya have it. That is my check-in! I’ll keep the food inspiration coming and hope that you enjoyed a glimpse into what is working for me.
For more budget-friendly recipes and information on how to save money on a plant-based diet, download my eBook: My Budget-Friendly Plant-Based Kitchen.