Goals for 2020

goals for 2020

Are resolutions a thing still? I’m never really successful when it comes to resolutions, but I do have some goals that I am working towards in 2020. Or maybe I should say, still working on. A lot of the below is coming over from 2019 and if you have been following me a while, you probably already know a few of these.

The longer I am here on Earth (and the more documentaries I watch), the more I strive to be better and live a bit more gently. I think that going plant-based back in 2014 was a good start but as I grow as a person (and now, mother) my goals continue to evolve. Here are some of the things that I am aiming to improve upon in 2020.

Shop thrift. After watching a few documentaries on fast fashion, I am really trying my best to shop secondhand for everything from clothing to baskets to home decor and beyond. I have to say, we don’t go out and buy much but essentials these days, so I think we are already doing a pretty good job on this front. But I am excited to challenge myself to find what I need secondhand this year.

Live more gently, quietly, and simply. Anyone else follow Fairyland Cottage on YouTube? Her slow way of living is admirable. I always feel at peace when I watch her videos! I know that I am never going to get to her level of slow living (just being honest with myself) but I really am truly trying to slow down and live in the present (which is very hard for me). I think motherhood has also forced this on me… you kind of have to take it one day at a time. It’s an adjustment for me, but I am working on it. I think hygge also falls into this category, which I have also been trying to bring into our home. Finding joy in the small things, having less, wasting less, re-using what you have and re-purposing, letting go of things that do not serve me well… being conscious of these things have improved my life already and I look forward to continuing these practices.

I hope this made sense.

Avoid the news. I know a lot of you won’t agree (because yes, the news is important) but the news causes a lot of stress and anxiety in my life. I pretty much just ask Joe to tell me the important stuff. The news just really shakes me a bit lately and I don’t want to put myself through the added stress and negativity.

Focus on our home. After struggling a bit with where we live and our move, I am feeling rejuvenated on the home front. We started to make upgrades and improvement at home (some small, some larger projects) and it has started to really feel like home. We prioritized what we would like to tackle for 2020 and I am so so excited to chip away at the list.

Be a patient mom. I am always working on this… it is struggle for me, I won’t lie. I am not a very patient person and with two little ones now, it is harder than ever. Toddlers are no joke. I think I’ll be working on this for the rest of my life.

Plant trees & start a garden. This goes along with my bullet above – focusing on home. On our list is to plant a good number of shrubs and trees for some extra privacy and because… I just love them! On the list: lilac shrubs, blueberry bushes, and lots of evergeen. Also… a garden! I can’t wait for this especially because it’ll be a lot of fun to care for a garden with my girls as they grow up.

Donate what does not serve me. We have been purging our home of items at least once every few months. Living with less feels very liberating. We are NOT minimalists by any means, but it feels very good to donate of what does not have use in our home and clear the clutter.

What are some of your goals for this year? xx bianca

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  1. I am going into 2020 with a no spending goal or at least to think and rethink before purchasing items. The end of this year I just went bonanza buying new clothes and books and I need to reevaluate my spending habits once again. I want to try and save more then spend this coming year. Good luck with your goals!

    1. That is such a great goal to have. I am gonna join you in that one!! We could all spend less. xo

  2. I agree about watching less news, it’s really depressing!

    1. Right? I feel like it has gotten worse and worse. So sitcoms for me these days, lol! xo

  3. I love how you avoid the news–so do I! It’s depressing and puts me in a terrible mood. When I’m in the gym, I put on E! or some kind of reality show while I’m on the treadmill. Much easier to watch and puts me a good mood while working out!

    1. You sound just like me! I can only watch good news or no news. Mostly sitcoms that make me laugh. Office and Friends!

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