Hi friends!
I am so excited to share this post with you today because I recently received a new diaper bag (backpack) as an upgrade for when baby girl #2 arrives in the fall and I couldn’t be more in love with it. AND I am also running a giveaway so you can enjoy one, too. Details below.
You guys know that I was never into the traditional diaper bags… I even bought a non-diaper bag when Willow was born (and have used it up until now!) I just couldn’t see myself lugging something around all the time that wouldn’t feel quite like “me.”
So thinking about baby #2, I knew my bag wouldn’t cut it because I’d need more space and it felt restrictive being a shoulder bag, but I didn’t want to sacrifice style. Of course, Fawn Design bags are beautiful but no thanks to the price tag and real leather. That’s not very beautiful of them. That’s when I came across Alice Unique – vegan leather, nearly identical to Fawn Design, 15 pockets (8 interior and 7 exterior), two insulated pockets for drinks and bottles, interchangeable shoulder and backpack style, matching changing pad, water-resistant, gold accents, and affordable. Sold sold sold. But really, the vegan leather is what truly got me. Compassionate brands make my heart happy.

I truthfully can’t tell you how thrilled I was to come across this bag. I just feel that having a backpack is the way to go with two so my hands and arms are free at all times. Then after receiving it, it really confirmed my excitement. It is simply stunning. Wonderfully made, very sturdy, comfortable, etc.

So now that I have spilled my heart over my love affair with this bag (lol), I wanted to share what I currently have going on in there and what additions there will be once girlfriend #2 arrives. Take a look.
Currently In My Bag, Toddler-Style:

Diapers: A given. I have a few in my trunk, too.
Wipes: Small pack of wipes with more in trunk. (Note: I forgot to include these in the pics! Oops – but rest assured, they are the small travel pack and slide right in.)
Diaper rash cream: Just in case.
Aquaphor: Willow’s skin gets a bit irritated after eating sometimes, so I have this at all times to keep it moisturized.
Diaper trash bags: For the smelly ones.
Tissues: For everyone.
Toy or Book: Or both. We have toys in the car, but I like to carry a small animal figure and a small board book for when we go into stores and whatnot.
Water bottles: For mama and Willow. We like Camelbak for her. Not pictured, but I keep mine in one of the outside side pockets.
Snacks: Usually some sort of bar (she loves Nature’s Bakery fig bars or Kashi fruit bars) or raisins.
Wet bag: In case clothes get wet or something. We have these.
Band-aids: Small necessity that takes up no space at all.
Washable bib: For when we go out to eat. Love the bibs by Bumkins because they are lightweight and take up virtually no room. (Also not included in pic, because it was in the wash. But folds up flat and easy to pack.)
Fork and spoon set: Again, when we go out to eat.
Placemats: I have a couple disposable ones that stick to the table. They make it really easy when we go out to eat (which is rare, but still good to have).
My things: wallet, keys, sunnies, snack bar, chapstick, lipstick, cover-up, hair ties, pen, Advil.
Additions for Baby #2:

Swaddle blanket: Good for anything and everything – chilly weather, messes, burp cloth, carseat cover, etc. I also keep another extra one in my trunk.
Burp cloths: I carry about 2-3 with me. I keep extra in my trunk, too.
Bottle: Another given – always carry an extra bottle of milk when going out. You just never know (unless you are breastfeeding) but I plan breastfeeding and pumping again with this little one and I always felt it easier to bring bottle.
More diapers: Of course, I’ll carry her size diapers as well. I already included wipes above, but that goes without saying that I will have them.
Bibs: For feeds.
Pacifier and clip: If baby girl takes to a pacifier like Willow did, I’ll have it on hand.
Teether/toy: Something small in case she needs something to chew on or be mesmerized by.
Nasal aspirator: I like to have it just in case. Just the bulb. (Not pictured – need a new one for her.)
Nursing pads: I will add a couple to the “my things” category because you don’t want to be caught dead with leakage, right?
It feels like a lot, but it all fits great in this bag and believe it or not, it is still lightweight. Here’s everything (including with baby #2) below:

Like I mentioned a a bit above, I keep a lot of extras in the trunk of my car, as well. Extra outfits (for mom and kids), extra wipes, extra diapers, hats, socks… I feel like I can’t carry everything around with me, but as long as I have it in the car, I am good. I’ll only pack in bag if I know I will be away from car for a while. Oh, also things like baby carriers or even travel white noise. I keep them in the car to avoid being too Mary Poppins, lol.
Giveaway [CLOSED]
I’m running a giveaway so that you have a chance at scoring one of these diaper bags completely free, and then some. Details over on my Instagram – head there now and follow the instructions on the post. Giveaway ends on June 8th, 2019 – don’t wait!
If your into this bag as much as I am and are not able to enter in time, you can grab one from their website and use the coupon code FRIENDLYFIG for $30 off your order. They also have a great IG page with plenty of giveaways going on every day.

I hope you guys enjoyed a glimpse in our bag these days and what’s to come. Let me know what some of your must-haves are in the comments. xx bianca
*This post is sponsored by Alice Unique, but all thoughts are 100% my own.