My Personal Tips for Preparing Your Body for Pregnancy (+ Getting Pregnant!)

Tips for Preparing Your Body for Pregnancy + Getting Pregnant

Okay, I am 100% not sure if this is going to interest anyone on here. My blog has come a long way from just recipes and plant-based tips and became a place for me to share other parts of my life (especially pregnancy and motherhood). When we decided we wanted to get pregnant, I will be honest and say I read soooo many blogs and watched so many YouTubers share their tips on preparing their body and getting pregnant, etc. When you are determined, you do your research (if you are like me, anyway).

So, I thought I would share my own experience here. This is by no means a fool-proof way of getting pregnant. I am not a doctor or professional! I personally and fortunately have had no issues with fertility. I do not take that for granted, trust me. It is just my own experience and it is meant to shed light on some of the vitamins and products I used. Maybe it will encourage you. And before I even begin, I wish you all the luck in the world as you enter this really exciting and amazing period of your life.

NOTE: This post contains affiliate links, which means that I’ll receive a commission if you purchase from this link. This will not change or increase the cost of your purchase. This extra income provides for my family and keeps The Friendly Fig running strong.

Just a little backstory. It took us 3 months to conceive our Willow (the third month being the month that I used an ovulation kit – more on that later). With Baby #2, it took us only 1 month (again, with kit).

About a month or so before trying, I started taking prenatals. Certainly, you can wait until you are pregnant if you’d prefer, but there is no harm in preparing your body with a healthy dose of what it needs. I take these multivitamins and these for DHA.

I am not a drinker (I probably have 2-4 drinks a year around the holidays, if that). But it is worth noting that you may want to stop drinking before. That is a personal preference, of course.

I have also mentioned maca root on here before. It is linked to increased fertility (and for a libido boost). It took me a bit to come around to the taste (sort of a malty/caramel flavor), but it’s weird how you start to crave it? I use it in my smoothies every once in a while. I am not sure if it has helped, but it is worth mentioning. If you are interested, here are some of my favorite smoothie recipes including maca root.

Let me say this: DO NOT RELY ON AN OVULATION APP. Tracking your period, yes, use an app. But when it comes to actual ovulation days, your app will just use a “normal” cycle pattern to calculate and chances are, it is not accurate. That was the case for me. I used an app the first few months the first time around and once I grabbed a kit, it was off by almost an entire week! So please… do not assume that your phone will somehow magically sync up with your body ovulating. Phones are hi-tech, but not that hi-tech.

The ovulation kit I speak of is this one. It is the best bang for your buck and you also get a ton of pregnancy tests with this one. Sure, it is not as fancy as First Response or any of those brands you see at Target, but it is just as accurate. With Willow, I used the Clear Blue ovulation kit, which set me back about $30 – and no pregnancy tests included. With Baby #2, I used the kit linked above and it worked just the same. Trust me on this if you want to stay within a budget. The directions are very clear, as well.

Once we were ready, I started the ovulation tracking about 10 days or so after my period started. You basically take a test every day until the test line is darker than the control line. That means you are ovulating within the next 24-48ish window. Then from there, make sure you get busy every day after that. We made sure to at least the next 3-4 days after.

Then the worst part – waiting 2 weeks until your missed period to take a test! I caved and took it 2 days before my missed period and got the FAINTEST OF FAINT lines ever. We were squinting, holding it up to light, inverting the color using an online tool, etc. LOL. If you can’t wait, then I get it. But it is probably worth waiting so you don’t drive yourself and your eyes crazy wondering if there is a line or not.

And the rest is history. I swear by these kits – it is the only accurate way of knowing that you are ovulating. NOT an app on your phone. I repeat, NOT AN APP.

Aside from the above tips, you guys all know that I eat a plant-based diet and I also believe that this helps to keep my body in good shape with the nutrients and minerals that it needs. And of course, drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated and running soundly.

I am very fortunate to not have struggled with infertility. If that is something you struggle with, my heart goes out to you and I hope for a miracle for you.

If you are just starting your journey and came here to see what worked for me, then I hope that it also works for you. Every single couple is different and what works for us may not work for you, but I hope that it helps in any little way.

If you stuck around to read all of this, congratulations! Haha – this was longer than I planned, but I hope that it was thorough and helpful.

Have a beautiful day, and again, good luck! xx bianca

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