Hi friends!
Just a really quick post today to let you all know that my Amazon Storefront is up and running. I was so excited to put this together! I get a lot of questions on products we use, ranging from baby to household to cleaning. So I decided this was a great way to showcase some of my very favorites.
- Baby essentials
- Toys + books
- Baby + toddler meal time essentials
- Kitchen essentials
- Personal style
- Beauty + hygiene
- Food
- Cleaning + household
You’ll find everything HERE.
I’ll be adding to this over time as we evolve as a family (especially on the kid-friendly product front). So definitely feel free to check back. And if you are wondering about anything in particular, feel free to ask me and I can add!
Just a note, too. This is another stream of revenue for me and my family. If you make a purchase from my list, I will make a small profit. This will not change or increase the cost of your purchase. This extra income provides for my family and keeps The Friendly Fig running strong. Thank you so much for understanding and supporting this blog, always. I appreciate it more than you know.
Anyways, I am totally sick of the terrible crummy weather we are having and ready for spring. If you are living in warmer climate, I am totally jealous of you.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy checking out some of my favorite products. :)