Open-Ended Toddler Toys on Our Wish List

Open-Ended Toddler Toys on Our Wish List

Hi friends!

Willow’s second birthday is coming up and I truly cannot believe it. It’s so cliche, but where the hell did the time go? I can’t wrap my head around it.

I recently shared how we were trying to minimize toys in the home – particularly anything plastic or blinking. She tends to play and explore much more where the room isn’t scattered with random toys – and even more, when toys are just enough of a challenge for her age. Think wooden toys like blocks, animal figures, puzzles, etc.

We’ve actually done a pretty great job at purging our home of the toys that do not entertain or suit her needs. And with her birthday coming up, I know that everyone is going to want to spoil her – that is how my family is. But I am hoping to guide people with their choices this year and if asked, letting them know exactly what we are looking for. I feel terrible when people spend their money on her and it ends up being a toy she isn’t into or doesn’t play with for more than 5 minutes.

I put together an Amazon Wish List of open-ended toys that we would love to add to our play room. These are exactly the kinds of toys that will keep her busy and foster imagination, creativity, and develop skills. Here’s a look at what we’ll be recommending as gifts for her birthday (and even Christmas).

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Funky Wooden Blocks. Building blocks are the best, right? Even as an adult, I really enjoy them. I love these colorful, shimmering water, and mirror block sets. How cool, right?

Jumbo Wooden Blocks. And on the topic of blocks, a good ‘ol wooden set are perfect. Jumbo, of course.

Musical Instruments. She loves music, so I think she’d love some instruments on her own. This kit has a variety.

Animal Figures. She loooves playing with her animal figures. We have a ton of wild/jungle animals, so this ocean creatures set is up next.

Puppets. These from Melissa and Doug are really cute and great for imagination play.

Peg Puzzles. This kid loves puzzles, especially the ones with pegs.

Silks. This rainbow silk is beautiful and can be used for so much – tents, capes, skirt, etc. I think she will love this.

Wooden Train Track. This one from Ikea is super affordable and darling.

Wooden Car Track. She likes cars but doesn’t have a track yet. This one looks mesmerizing, I won’t lie.

Easel. You can’t beat the price of an art easel from Ikea. She loves to color and paint and I am very excited to allow her to explore her artistic side.

Little People. Wooden people, trees, etc. Great for creating a whole world… I think this would pair awesome with the train set, too.

Stamp Set. Another addition to her growing art supply box. Love these by Melissa & Doug.

I am really excited about this list and think these are all great additions to our toy room for open-ended and creative play. I’ll definitely be grabbing a couple items for her birthday and the upcoming holidays.

What are some of your kids’ favorite open-ended toys? I’d love to hear. Share in the comments or with me on IG. xx bianca

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