My Third Trimester (Baby #2)

My Third Trimester (Baby #2)

Wow, third trimester. I honestly can’t believe how fast it flew by. Pregnancy is 100% different when you have a toddler, that is for sure.

Before I get into the weekly notes, I want to let you guys know that this will be my last post until baby girl is earth side. I’m going to try and soak up as much as I can with my little family of 3 before we become 4. I still can’t believe that it can happen any day now and everything we know is going to change, again. I can’t wait for us to be complete.

Also, an update on my “maternity leave”…

I will pop in with a birth announcement on IG and be updating there much more frequently, so follow along if you don’t already. I’ll also be posting a birth announcement on here, but that may not be for a little bit… depending on what my time looks like when we are home and settled. I am taking a bit of a leave until the end of year. I am planning on posting once a week at least with some pre-scheduled content. But I’ll be picking up the pace in the New Year, much like I did when I had Willow. It’s important for me to be present with my family and find our new groove and normal without feeling pressure to post. Plus, holiday season is hectic enough without a whole new dynamic. There is something really magical about having a newborn during the holidays (same when we had Willow) and I am going to really be savoring it. But yes, again, definitely follow on IG. It’s much easier to update there. You’ll probably see lots of newborn love, postpartum/nursing meals, etc. :)

But anyways, here’s what my third trimester looked like with baby #2.

Week 28: Hello, third trimester! I’m glad you are here because I am very much ready to have this baby… home stretch. I have been craving a lot of junky foods and carbs lately (fried squash flowers, cereal, pasta). Trying to eat as best as I can. Our girl is moving around like crazy lately… a lot of it at night. She’s been waking me up around 4-4:30 every morning and then I can’t fall back asleep. So I have definitely been a more exhausted again. But overall, cannot complain. We are traveling to California next week for my sister’s wedding and a trip to Disneyland (Willow’s first Disney trip!) Exciting stuff!

Week 29: SHOCKINGLY I wasn’t as exhausted as I thought I would be in California – time change, Disneyland, wedding and all. I don’t have too much to update because we were away, but I am happy we made it back all well.

Week 30: I can’t believe there are only 10 weeks left. Baby girl just keeps growing. I got to see her face in 4D a week ago and OH MY GOSH. I am just so ready to meet you, baby girl. You have the fullest lips and are so so beautiful. I am so anxious. Everything went well during that routine visit and you weigh 3 lbs 1 oz. EEEK. Time to pack on those pounds.

Week 31: I am so moody this week and just don’t want to be bothered. I hate this off feeling! But I know it’ll pass. Cravings have been all over the place: pineapple. raw pepitas, and broccoli rabe pasta (as usual). So random, right? Also just a lot of fruit., but mostly pineapple. I had to send Joe out to get me one over the weekend because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. He’s a saint.

Week 32: I think this girl is really enjoying my ribs these days because THEY ACHE SO MUCH. I didn’t experience pain like this with Willow… not really pain, but more like a bruise? I can’t describe it, but it doesn’t feel great and I am constantly trying to wriggle her out of there. That’s my update for the week. LOL.

Week 33: Ribs are better, but you know… just feeling very big. Peeing like 5 times every night. How fun, right? LOL

Week 34: I AM VERY TIRED BUT I ALSO HAVE PREGNANCY INSOMNIA. HOW. I am up from like 2-5am some nights… weeeee, good times.

On a better note, the nursery is done! We have been doing all the things around the house to prepare. So much nesting, but it feels really great. Willow loves to hang out in “baby dister’s room.” It’s so sweet.

Week 35: Starting to feel anxious about Willow not being my only baby. AHH. I know this is normal and will pass, but I have been snuggling her extra these days and really focusing on her.

Week 36: Hoooome stretch. Like really, home stretch. This sweet girl can come at any time… and I am welcoming a “sooner than later” delivery, for sure. My hips are soo bad at night, so I have had really bad insomnia and haven’t been sleeping well. Sometimes I am up for the day at 2:30-3AM. Not fun! But this is just her way of preparing me for what’s to come, right? LOL

Week 37: Still baking a babe… still eating Life cereal before bed, drinking more OJ than ever before, and peeing on the hour during the night.

Week 38: Everything is looking good! Baby girl is in position, yay. Anytime now, really. I am hoping for an early debut, would love an October baby… but we’ll see what plans she has!

Week 39: Here we are! Just one week out from due date and I am very impatiently awaiting her arrival. Been taking it very easy and trying to get as much rest in as I can with a crazy off-the-wall toddler. But overall, we are ready and prepared! I’m dilated 2 cm but she still hasn’t dropped so… maybe she won’t be as early as I thought. BUT either way, this will be my last update by the time this posts. Send me some good vibes for a sooner than later delivery!

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  1. Hope you have a smooth and safe delivery! Wishing you all the best!
    P.S. I made your vegan broccoli cheddar soup and holy cow its amazing! Definitely putting it in my rotation for sure!

    1. Thank you sooo much!! And so glad you loved it! Now I want some, lol! xo

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