Books I’ve Read Lately (Motherhood & Happiness)

Books I've Read Lately (Motherhood & Personal Growth)

I often don’t share what I am reading on here, but a reader asked me to put together this post. I made a mention to it in one of my life updates that I have been reading a lot more lately… so hey, why not.

I tend to gravitate towards fiction and fantasy reads (and my favorite guilty pleasure, YA novels). BUT lately I have been into motherhood, personal growth, happiness, etc. These books were especially helpful for me when I was going through some lows in my life. I’ll make note as I go through, but maybe if you find yourself in a similar funk or situation, these books will help lighten you up like they did for me.

Side note: I have been loving our local library so so much. It not only is FREE FREE FREE but the whole vibe in a library. I could live there. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I have a degree in English & Literature so this comes as no surprise to anyone, but man. I just want to be a librarian so bad. I came home one day and told my husband that when I go back to work part time someday, I just want to work at the library. The sounds and smells. Ugh. Love.

NOTE: This post contains affiliate links, which means that I’ll receive a commission if you purchase from this link. This will not change or increase the cost of your purchase. This extra income provides for my family and keeps The Friendly Fig running strong.

The Magic of Motherhood by Ashley Gadd. Starting with this book because it has been my favorite read. I turned to this book when I was going through some stressful days with Willow. As she grows into her little self, she is definitely being more defiant and testy than ever. I am not a naturally patient person and it is something that I have been working on like crazy as I raise my daughter. I found this book through reviews and love that it is in essay format so you can pick it up anytime and read a quick few pages for some inspiration. There is SO much of it here. A lot of diverse moms sharing their experiences.

This book even turned me into a fan of the author’s podcast, Coffee and Crumbs. Have you heard of it? I can’t get enough. They feel like old friends who are not going to judge you whatsoever. It is very refreshing. I highly recommend it to any women who is expecting or already has younger kids.

This Is Where You Belong: Finding Home Wherever You Are by Melody Warnick. I have mixed feelings about this book. Overall, I did really like it. I grabbed this once I decided to stop complaining about where we live and embrace it. We had been on the fence about moving to South Florida for a bit now and finally I decided it was time to stop “living” in my head in the future and just enjoy our space and where we live now. This book has some great points and it is broken down by “steps” and “things to do” to feel more a part of your community, which ultimately leads to feeling grounded and rooted where you are. A lot of it was very helpful, but I did find that the chapters could drag on a bit with stories that weren’t particularly keeping my interest. I tended to skip over some of the stories at times. But at the end of each chapter, there is a summary of main points and those were all much more helpful.

But overall, it did make me think and see where I live in a whole new light. I have to say, I even implemented some of her ideas into my own life. So I would say it is worth the read, even if you skim over the parts that seem to drag. I learned from this book and that alone makes it valuable.

The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking. In an effort to prepare myself for winter season (read: winter blues) ahead, I really invested my time into discovering hygge and all it entails. This book seemed to come up the most so I gave it a go. It is a great book for an overview of the concept and has turned me into a major believe (and dare I say, looking forward to the slowed-down, colder months). But, if you are going to read about hygge, I suggest reading…

Hygge: The Danish Art of Comfort, Joy, and Happiness by Erika Olsen. This book was only 99 cents for Kindle so I took advantage of that deal. I am probably in the minority (especially if you look at the number of reviews on this one compared to above) but I appreciated the author’s tone and style of writing more than the above. I actually stopped reading the other midway to read this one – and blew through it – and then finished the other. Both are very similar and can be a bit repetitive, but I just liked this one better. So many wonderful ideas, tips, and advice to being more present, grateful, and cozy in all aspects of life, no matter what the season. For me, it is definitely geared more towards winter, but I have already been implementing some of the tips into our home and lifestyle and have noticed an improvement in my mental state. Definitely worth the read – no matter which hygge book you go with.

Breathe, Mama, Breathe: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms by Shonda Moralis. I am still working my way through this book, but it is not meant to be read quickly. The author breaks down each chapter by exercises to bring some mindfulness to your day. It’s the kind of read that you finish and then turn back to for a reminder. I have a good feeling this is going to be helpful when our newborn arrives and life goes up into chaos again. If you are like me and need a reminder to be mindful every once in a while, you’ll probably appreciate this book. And the best part is that it was a free Kindle download for Amazon Prime members. Try to score a free copy if you can!

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I have heard so much hype about this book that I had to see what it is about. Plus, I wanted to find out what my love language was (and my husband’s, too). No surprise, my love language is Acts of Service. But anyways, the book does a great job holding your attention with different stories from other couples and explains the 5 different love languages in depth (word of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, physical touch). It is very interesting, I’ll be honest. I don’t regret reading it.

If you have read any of the above, I’d love to hear if you liked or didn’t like. Definitely comment or send me a message on IG. And if you haven’t read any, I hope one of these piqued your interest. Send me some of your favorites, too – I’m always adding to my list. Happy reading this season! xx bianca

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