Fiona’s 1st Birthday (One Year-Old Gift Ideas)

Gift Ideas for a One Year Old

In just shy of two weeks, Fiona will be one! HOW is it her first birthday? How how how? She is just the sweetest little gentle soul and our family feels so very complete.

She is already owning the house, walking/running all over to keep up with her big sis. She loves rocking baby dolls, bopping to Disney music, and gnawing on all the play food in the girls’ kitchen. Bananas are her favorite food but we call her Fioni macaroni because girl can put away pasta like the Italian she is. Haha! I could gush on and on about her (obviously) but today I thought I would share what we grabbed her for her birthday. And I’ll stop gushing now before it takes up all of your time. ;)

Let me say that buying for your second born 1 year-old is not easy – we have so many toys already. I kept it pretty simple and some of the things here are just doubling up so there is no fighting over who gets what (aka the stroller, farm animals, and baby doll). But anyways, I hope that something here sparks inspiration or an idea for your little love. x

Gift Ideas for a One Year Old

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1. Name Puzzle

Her sister has one so naturally, she is also getting one. There are tons of options on Etsy.

2. Farm Animals

I love these farm animals from the Dollar Tree – adding a few to our growing collection.

3. Books

Two seasonal books – Bear’s Scare and Hedgehugs Autumn Hide-a-Squeak.

4. Spinning toy

Fiona loves all things that can spin, so this looked like something she’ll enjoy. I think this is gonna be good for car rides.

5. Paint sticks

I’ve heard good things about these things and I think it’ll be a fun activity with her (once she isn’t putting everything into her mouth immediately!)

6. Shape & color sorter

Love Melissa and Doug everything and I think this will be a fun challenge for her over the next year.

7. Disney baby doll

Willow has a baby Moana and I thought this baby Aurora was perfect for Fiona… because some some reason, she just reminds us of her. Maybe it is her quiet or gentle personality? I don’t know but I do know she is going to love having her own baby doll (she loves them!)

8. Stroller

Now both girls will have a stroller for their stuffed animals and dolls!

9. Beluga stuffie

This stuffie from IKEA got me because I used to sing baby beluga to Fiona every night during those middle of the night feedings… and I thought she should have her own baby beluga. This makes me wanna cry writing it. AHHH motherhood!!

Gift Ideas for a One Year Old

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