Hello, 2019! Life Update

The Friendly Fig

Hi friends –

Just popping in between the plant-based recipes, tips, and whatnot to say hi and happy new year! 2018 held some of the highest highs and even some of the lowest lows for me personally. I’m looking forward to the next year – lots to be excited about on the horizon. I thought I’d share some of those plans with you.

What I am most excited about first – visiting my parents in Florida again this winter… for at least 2 weeks or so. And the very best part? We’ll be moving up Willow’s first trip to Disney World! We’ll only be going for a couple days (Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom) but that is more than enough excitement for us. I am having a blast trying to plan this last minute – and you can definitely expect some Disney posts in the near future… packing, tips, plans, etc.

While I can’t wait for a Lion King dance party (yes, for real… Animal Kingdom is currently doing this) I am very nervous about our flights. I am a nervous flyer as is, and traveling with a 16 month old is going to be way different than traveling with a 4 month old. MAMAS! Give me ALL YOUR BEST TIPS! I’ve been doing my share of researching and compiling tips to make sure it goes smooth. It is a short flight (3 hours) but still… a nervous flyer is a nervous flyer.

But yes, this is going to be a great break from our current routine and will add an extra dose of warmth sunshine… something we could all use. We were originally planning to go to Disney World in October but we decided to cancel this trip… because…

We’ll be trying for baby #2 this year! Initially, I was going to wait until Willow was 2 to even consider trying but something just shifted recently. It’s like your body just says… oh, okay I am ready again. We’re so so excited. I have started taking my favorite vegan prenatals again. I am not sure how quickly or slowly this will happen for us, but regardless… excited to see what the future holds for our little fam. And when it does happen for us, I am excited to document my vegan pregnancy all over again. It will be 100% different than my last, I am sure. Willow was pretty easy… so I am hoping for #2 to be just as forgiving. Ha!

On the blog front… WordPress has a new interface and with some major upgrades. It is so different than before… and I am hoping nothing will come up as a glitch.. especially any posts that were already in my drafts. And speaking of drafts… I tend to start drafts and then forget sometimes… I found sooo many older posts that I just never finished or abandoned. I am going to slowly do my best to complete. Old recipes, especially. I just never got around to finishing or didn’t feel like people would be into them (some are really simple) but honestly… I am going to post anyways! I will sprinkle them in here and there (you may even notice the photos will look old… from our old house). But I figure… why not? The content is there. I’ll be working on them as I have time.

I tend to post 3 times a week – is that enough for you guys? I hope so. I find it harder to keep up sometimes with Willow’s current age… she is more independent, but also needs me to watch her 24/7. And she is ALL OVER the house. I tend to work best after she goes to bed but then I like to spend time with my husband… so it is a balancing act. I definitely find that being more present and candid on Instagram is easiest. If you are ever wondering what I’m up to or what I am eating in “real time” then head to IG and follow along. That’s also where I’m able to respond directly to questions and messages.

But wow, this ramble is getting lengthy. Didn’t mean for it to. Just wanted to check in and fill you guys in on what’s been going on over here. I hope that 2019 is good to you. I look forward to connecting with you – old and new readers. Love you guys – thanks for tagging along. xx bianca

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