10+ Realistic + Easy Snacks for Vegan Toddlers

10+ Realistic + Easy Snacks for Vegan Toddlers

Willow is a snacker. Who isn’t, really. She gets snacks twice a day (in between breakfast and lunch, then in between lunch and dinner). I don’t have a lot of time to be making extravagant snacks, though that would be really nice. Instead, I opt for quick and easy choices. Sometimes that means fresh ingredients or sometimes it means packaged food… or a blend of both. We’re not perfect, but we are conscious!

If you need some snack inspiration and ideas for your vegan or plant-based toddler, or just your toddler in general, here are some great realistic choices.

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Cheerios with yogurt. I just put about 1/3 cup of cheerios in a bowl and mixed with some soy yogurt (she really loves peach). I’ll usually put some fruit on the side… her most recent favorite is mandarin slices. OH, and mandarin slices from the can in fruit juice… AWESOME quick fruit snack if you don’t have any fresh on hand.

Smoothie. Anything goes, but her favorite is usually: banana, peanut butter, strawberries, spinach, and almond milk.

Crackers with nut butter or jam. Crackers are always a quick snack that Willow loves, especially when I skim with some peanut or almond butter. Or even jam some days.

Sweet potato fries with hummus. I usually bake a huge batch of sweet potato fries for her on the weekend… just a little olive oil and paprika. She likes them plain or with hummus.

Fruit bar. Packaged snack alert, but she loooves these strawberry Kashi bars every once in a while. Or the fig bars from Nature’s Bakery.

Toast with vegan cream cheese + tomato/cucumber. Just a slice of toast with some Tofutti cream cheese and diced up tomatoes or mild salsa. She’s into it.

Oatmeal cookies. Very quickly, I will mash up a banana and add some oats, peanut butter, and chocolate chips. Bake them and you have a really healthy cookie. Here’s a good recipe.

Fruit salad. Simple, but effective. I’ll make a quick fruit salad on the weekend to have on hand.

Packaged snack. More packaged snacks that we are into when I don’t have time for anything else. Coconut creamies, rice cakes, cereal, veggie straws, Annie’s bunnies, raisins… all great.

Waffle with yogurt to dip. A quick GF waffle defrosted and served with some soy or coconut yogurt dip.

Strawberries drizzled with almond butter. Sliced strawberries with some almond butter drizzle remind me of a pb&j.

Lightly roasted chickpeas. I season chickpeas with a little olive oil, paprika, and onion powder. Bake at 400 F for about 10-15 minutes and you have some yummy protein-packed bites.

Graham cracker with peanut butter. Willow is like her Dad and loooves a good graham cracker. I like to add a little pb to it.

Olives + vegan cheese shreds. She loves black olive slices… serve with a little vegan cheese and there’s a good savory snack!

What are some snacks your vegan toddlers enjoy that I didn’t list above? Always love some fresh ideas for Willow. I like to keep things interesting (but simple!)

Thanks for reading along. Talk soon. xx bianca

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