My First Trimester (Baby #2!)

Vegan Pregnancy First Trimester Recap

I can’t believe I am already sitting here typing up another one of these recap posts. You are all completely in the dark at the moment, but I found out that we are expecting our second child on my 30th birthday (happy birthday to me!) The very best gift of all time.

I loved tracking the weeks when I was pregnant with Willow, so I hope I can keep up with this post for baby #2. It may be a bit harder because I am much busier these days, but I am going to do my best. Apologies in advance if I miss any weeks. So here we go! Starting with 4 weeks.

4 weeks: I just found out that I am 4 weeks along and we’re over the moon. I don’t have much to report on any nausea or general feelings because I feel pretty normal right now. I am already wondering what sort of food aversions I will have this time around. Morning sickness hit me around 6-8 weeks with Willow, so we will see if I fare better or worse.

So for now, I will just say that this was our first month trying and we were very lucky to have it happen so quickly. I did track ovulation with this kit. AMAZING! And I have started my prenatal vitamin routine prior to getting pregnant… so I will just continue on with that.

5 weeks: Nothing crazy to report. I am feeling myself and eating normally. I felt nauseas one night, but that was it. It was brief and I just went to bed to avoid facing it. I keep forgetting I am pregnant, to be honest. Second pregnancy already feels very different from the first simply because I am so busy with Willow to really think!

6 weeks: Well, no nausea was fun while it lasted. I haven’t gotten sick yet, but I have that lingering feeling of nausea on and off all day. It gets worse at night for me. I was eating regular for a while there, but now it is all about pasta, carbs, soy nuggets, etc. I’ve been compiling what I’ve been eating this trimester, so if you check that post out, you’ll notice the sudden change in meals, I am sure. I had to throw out a whole batch of my favorite green soup because I couldn’t even LOOK at it. Boo.

Willow is also battling a bad cold – double ear infection, crazy cough, runny nose, etc. It is not the best timing, that’s for sure. I am EXHAUSTED and in bed by 8 every night.

7 weeks: Oh no, the week from hell. All-day nausea is in full swing and it is the most uncomfortable feeling ever. I am beyond exhausted and feel so unmotivated to do much of anything. This is an extremely hard week. My mood is just all over the place… moments of anxiety and extreme lows.

I’ve also been eating like garbage and it is hard to keep my prenatals down. That makes me so anxious in itself. Salt and vinegar chips, Amy’s frozen burritos, bagels, Amy’s frozen mac and cheese… all that crap. And this sounds gross but all I have wanted is fast food. I NEVER EAT FAST FOOD. Or ever crave it. But we ordered Taco Bell for dinner one night. I veganized a crunch wrap supreme. OMG. And pizza another night… why I am craving these things, who knows. I just know that nothing that I normally make or have in my house is appetizing to me. I hope it gets better soon.

8 weeks: I will say that this week is quite a bit better than last week. Last week, I am not even sure how I got through it. But this week I have been waking up pretty good and eating more normal (no more Taco Bell cravings this week). The afternoons are still pretty rough – sickness usually hits around 1-2ish and lasts until bedtime. BUT the good news is that we had our first ultrasound and it went well! Everything looked great and baby’s heart rate was 166. It made me feel better about all the nausea and crap lately… seeing your little bean makes it much more REAL. It was a good week.

9 weeks: The nausea is definitely easing up. I am afraid to get too excited about it, but I’m just grateful for the time being. That “off” feeling usually starts around 2-3 and lasts all night. I have to keep food in my stomach or else it gets worse. So I have been feeling like I’ve been eating everything bad… way more than I normally eat. But I am at least NOT craving fast food or junk anymore. Carbs and bagels, yes. But not Taco Bell or frozen burritos. I have been super into bagels with vegan cream cheese, steamed broccoli, strawberries, apples, and apple juice. These have been my go-to choices. So… not THAT bad. I have been able to eat my oats for breakfast again, so that is a plus!

ALSO, I popped this week. Overnight. My husband and I were like wow, there it is. I thought it was food but I absolutely cannot suck in and it’s tightened. I can’t believe how much sooner you show the second time around!

10 weeks: Nothing crazy or new to report. Been feeling much much better every day. I still have some off nights, but I just go to bed early. But my energy has been better for sure and I am eating pretty well-balanced once again. Cravings this week: so much fruit (any fruit), tofu breakfast burritos, avocado, and vegan cream cheese toast with cucumbers. And Pringles. Oops. ;)

11 weeks: It’s been a gentle week on me. Feeling more myself these days and my energy is back. I’ve been getting up naturally around 5:30 (I go to bed pretty early… like 8:30-9) and it is nice to have 90 minutes to myself in the morning to stretch, blog, listen to some podcasts, etc. I’ll be able to share my big secret so soon with you guys!

12 weeks: Another good/uneventful week. I have an appointment next week for some testing that will also reveal gender. We can’t wait to find out. Hopefully I’ll have news in my final update before the second trimester!

13 weeks: We made it, we made it, we made it! I remember the first time around thinking the same thoughts – wow, the first trimester is a whirlwind. A doozy. It’s like… I can’t even comprehend or remember how bad it actually felt in the very beginning (thankfully, right?) Just a few weeks ago I was crippled by nausea and had zero energy. I still get those off feelings (mostly at night) but it is nothing in comparison to the way it was. I am on the up and looking happily towards second trimester.

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