5 Ways I Keep My Energy Up as a Pregnant Mom with Toddler

5 Ways I Keep My Energy Up as a Pregnant Mom with Toddler

Pregnancy with a toddler is like night and day compared to being pregnant for the very first time. With my first pregnancy, I was at a desk all day. This pregnancy, I am chasing around, cleaning up after, and parenting a highly energetic toddler. Which is fun, don’t get me wrong, but man… it is taxing.

I thought I’d share some of the ways I have been reserving and keeping up my energy during the day. I won’t sugarcoat it – the first trimester is pretty brutal and I wasn’t above letting Willow watch Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger while I was in fetal position on the couch. But it does get better. And your energy will come back during the second trimester. So if you are currently in your first trimester, hang in there!

Also a note – I am blessed to work from home, so I am with Willow 24/7. Some of these tips may not pertain if you are a working mama out of the house, but maybe some will. I hope!

#1: It starts with food. Are you surprised? The first trimester does not count towards this because I know we all eat whatever carb or junk we can stomach to get past it, right? But once the nausea subsides and we enter the second trimester, it’s important to fuel your body with the right foods. That means foods that provide energy rather than make us feel sluggish. Yes, I want to eat a bagel with cream cheese EVERY SINGLE MORNING, trust me. And I do some days! But I always feel much better when I eat oats or toast with almond butter and some fruit.

When hunger pangs hit between meals, I load up on some fruit or a handful of almonds/pistachios.

Some foods that may help increase your energy include: dates, nuts, bananas, oatmeal, apples, hummus, lentils, avocado, oranges, strawberries, seeds, green leafy veggies.

#2: Rest when your toddler naps. If your toddler doesn’t take a nap… I am very sorry. I’ve got nothing. BUT if they do, this is the time to NOT do laundry or chores. Grab a book, put on your favorite music or TV show, and put your feet up. RELAX. Hell, take a nap. Whatever it takes to gain your energy back in the 1-3 hour time frame. Willow is still taking a 2-hour nap so I always take this as my opportunity to sit outside with a book or even lay down indoors and just zone out. It helps prepare me for the remainder of the day until my husband gets home to help.

#3: Go to bed early. Plain and simple. I am in bed by 8:30-9 most nights and I won’t apologize for it. My husband gets it and respects it.

#4: Get outside. I mean it. Not only is the sun revitalizing and the air good for you, but your toddler can run around and burn off their energy while you sit on the patio furniture. I’m happy I am pregnant during the spring and summer months, because this has made quite a difference in my day. I get to rest in the sun and my daughter gets to go nuts.

#5: Don’t overdo it – chores can wait. I like to make a list of maybe 3 things I’d like to accomplish in order of importance. If I can get even one of those things done, that is a success. No one is going to die if the laundry doesn’t get folded immediately, right? I am also fortunate that my husband helps out whenever he can, so I will leave certain things for him on a list if I can’t get to it or don’t have the energy for it. I don’t do any crazy/heavy cleaning during the week while I am home alone, but wait for him to be home on the weekends so he can take Willow and I can go at my own pace. It is much easier that way!

Just a few things that have worked for me, really. I hope that maybe they will resonate with you, too.

But please make no mistake that I am not perfect and like I mentioned before, there are just some days that you will need to just chill out on the couch and throw on some Sesame Street, Disney movies, or Daniel Tiger. It happens. And it’s fine. Don’t beat yourself up over it because you are doing the very best you can and it is temporary.

Good luck, mama! xx bianca

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  1. I don’t even have kids, but this list is good for anyone trying to balance a ton of things going on in their life! For me, work takes up most of my time, and I have a stressful job. Sometimes trying to get the smallest things done around my apartment is a challenge; it’s hard to get away from constant emails and phone calls. Still working on the sleep thing (I do not get enough), but getting outside every day is important and even getting 1-2 small things done around the house is a winning day for me! Thanks for the tips!:)

    1. Hi Anne! I’m happy to hear it was helpful to you, regardless of kids or not. I hear you on all of this – I was the same before I had kids with my career. xo

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