Piping hot, chock-full of veggies, and pairing beautifully with a nice chunk of artisan bread, nothing compares to a good soup around this time of year. While I am personally not the greatest fan of winter, at least there is soup to keep things cozy and warm around here. So instead of being bummed out, let’s celebrate the season with soup.
#1: Chickpea Noodle Soup

#2: Creamy Dill Vegetable Chowder

#3: Hearty & Creamy Vegetable & Rice Soup

#4: Green Goddess Soup

#5: Peanut Lentil Stew

#6: Broccoli Cheddar Soup

#7: Simple Lentil Stew

#8: Lasagna Soup

#9: Coconut Lentil Stew

#10: Freekeh Soup

Which one are you going to try first? If I had to pick my favorite… I think it is a tie between the chowder & lasagna soup. They are just too hearty and comforting to pass up. x