Netflix Shows That Got Me Through the 4th Trimester

Netflix Shows That Got Me Through the 4th Trimester

Hi friends! Sharing a different kind of post today, but one that I was excited to write about because, well, I love TV. No shame. I love TV shows that take me out of reality and plant me into a new world… it is definitely a coping mechanism for me in some ways… going way beyond entertainment. Sometimes this is a bad thing (not gonna lie) but when I first had Willow, it was definitely a good thing. I needed a distraction and something that would keep my spirits high. (And no, not that Willow didn’t keep me happy! BUT I was generally just a ball of emotions and could not help it. Postpartum anxiety and depression is very real.)

Because honestly, the “fourth trimester” is a doozy. You just birthed this beautiful human and your heart cannot physically take or process this new emotion… because it is beyond love and what words can describe. Physically, you are exhausted. Mentally, you are drained. And when this human is sleeping like 16-18 hours a day, you actually go a little nuts. You don’t want to get up and do anything… you just wanna plop on the couch with that baby in your arms and let your mind and body heal. In between the nursing and soaking up your baby’s presence, you need some background noise. Because seriously… my hormones (and every other new mom’s hormones) were so out of control. I was literally crying at least twice a day for two weeks. I couldn’t stop crying to save my life. Happy tears, sad tears, anxious tears, all kinds of tears. Turning to shows that were uplifting and kept me laughing literally kept me sane. Enter Netflix.

I couldn’t even bear the thought of watching a drama or anything suspenseful. I made one exception for Stranger Things 2 (had to). BUT my usuals like… The Walking Dead, Buffy, GoT… just couldn’t do it. The below are a ton of comedies because that was all my heart could take. If I am being totally honest, these are my favorite shows to begin with, no matter what stage of life (lol!) The Office is my forever love. But some new ones were added into the mix and they made this stage of life a lot easier to deal with. If I was having a particularly anxious day, I turned to my friends on TV. Never failed to turn me around, or at least make me laugh.

#1: The Office. Anyone who knows me know that I am an obsessed Office fan. I think I’ve seen some episodes upwards 40 times and have watched it through from start to finish at least a good 7 or 8 times. When I am just around house or cooking or whatever, it is always on as background noise! So naturally, this was my first choice for the initial emotional weeks. I needed to laugh, and laugh hard. And this always does the trick. ALWAYS!! Michael Scott is life.

#2: That 70’s Show. This was my second in command, because is there anything better than Jackie and Kelso? Those early seasons are so laugh-out-loud funny. Some days, I honestly thought Willow would start belting out the signature theme song. If you haven’t watched, you need to! All-star cast and just so hilarious.

#3: Parks and Recreation. When I am not watching Office, this is usually my runner-up. Amy Poehler is incredible in this role, but the supporting cast really makes the show – especially Rob Lowe and Adam Scott. And Jerry!! Every episode is feel good with lots of GIRL POWER, so this is definitely great for postpartum.

#4: New Girl. So witty, quirky, and adorable. I just love this show!! This was one that I never watched before having Willow and I needed something new to add to my go-to list. Consider it done. Nick Miller will steal your heart… just watch.

#5: Friends. Have to mention it, but is anyone surprised? Just a classic that definitely was in my rotation.

#6: Grace and Frankie. Frankie is literally my spirit animal. Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda are incredible in these roles. These two women find out their husbands are gay for each other… and then hilarity ensues. Please for the love of God, get into this show if you can. It was another show that I had never watched before Willow.

#7: Gilmore Girls. This show really got me in the feels, especially after having a daughter. Lorelai Gilmore will keep you laughing your ass off, and show you what it means to be a wonderful mother. Highly highly suggest for postpartum moms!

#8: The Great British Baking Show. Not a comedy, but needed to add it. I binged this like crazy… it’s just a really great cooking competition show (and I love cooking shows). Kept me very entertained (and motivated me to get in the kitchen!)

*HULU BONUS* Younger. If you have HULU, I highly recommend checking out Younger. I really love Hilary Duff, lol. This show is very witty – funny, romantic, etc. I binged whatever seasons HULU had in literally a week. It’s about a 40-something woman who poses as a 20-something to hand her dream job and she has to keep up the charade. 30-minute episodes… you just blow right through it.

I wanna hear what shows kept you sane and happy during the first 12 weeks after baby. Please share with me in the comments! xx bianca

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  1. Love Grace and Frankie. I was so sad when I finished it. Enter Jane the Virgin. So good. The office is a steady. I’d suggest the Goldbergs early seasons and Superstore. Hilarious.

    1. I’ve heard good things about Superstore and Jane the Virgin. I’ll have to try them! I couldn’t get into the Goldbergs but maybe I have to try again.

      Grace and Frankie is soooo good!!

  2. Thank you for sharing this! I’m glad I’m not the only one that needed tv friends to get me through this time 💕

    I’ve watched The Office for like the 7th time, I Love Lucy, Gilmore Girls, watched the entire Friends series with my husband for the first time, Jane the Virgin, Call the Midwife, Pretty Little Liars, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Drake & Josh! Not all comedies, but all so good!

    1. Two for Jane the Virgin now – I will need to check that one out for sure!!

  3. #s 6, 7 & 8 =<3
    Add Parks & Rec, Stranger Things and Parenthood!
    Wishing you a beautiful day.

    1. Hi Janette – yes! I had Parks and Rec listed :) it is sooo good. I also LOVE Stranger Things and Parenthood! xo

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