100% honesty right here – I am writing this post to mentally prepare myself for the winter ahead. I’m publishing early because if any of you are like me, you may need this sooner than later, as well. I am one of those people who really dread the winter weather after the holidays. Living in New England, it feels like winter lasts from December – April and spring is suddenly non-existent. I dread it. Autumn, yes. LOVE Autumn, it is my favorite. But all the snow, ice, and gray that follows? Not so much.
Every single year, I deal with seasonal depression. This starts after the holidays, because I do love a white Christmas. But after New Year’s Day, nope. And this upcoming winter, I’ll also be postpartum. I did experience some postpartum anxiety/depression with Willow, and I am hoping it will be different this time around, but I am bracing myself for what’s to come. And so here I am, writing this post to remind myself that winter weather can be cozy and fun and tolerable with the right mindset.
I am totally going to practice hygge this winter and do my best to create an environment that keeps my sanity in tact (or at least strives to). My husband and I talked about this, too, and I do feel like winters may start to feel better again at this stage of life because we have kids to enjoy it with. Remember when you were a kid and loved snow days? Building snowmen, sledding, drinking hot chocolate… all that jazz. I loved it as a kid. And I am excited to experience the magic of it through our daughters’ eyes in the upcoming years. I think that alone will help alleviate my harsh feelings towards it. But just in case…
I compiled a list of activities, ideas, and tips that spoke to me and sparked some excitement for the cold months. If you are anything like me, maybe some of these will be a good reminder to you, too. I hope this helps you to battle winter blues and embrace the chilly days ahead.
1. Create a cozy playlist. Christmas songs have a time and place (November and December for me) but we’re not talking holiday tunes. What music warms your soul? I’ve been really into oldies and jazz. They are nostalgic for me and remind me of my childhood – my parents and nana played lots of jazz while I was growing up. Think Ella Fitzgerald, Natalie Cole, Louis Armstrong, and Billie Holiday. My Spotify playlist is full of this heart-warming goodness. The key is to listen to the stuff that makes you happy.
2. Make a huge pot of soup or stew. Maybe a favorite go-to or something completely new. Switch it up! But nothing is as relaxing as preparing a soup in your coziest sweats and slippers, listening to music, and the aroma of a simmering pot. Make sure you visit your local bakery for some really crusty bread, too. Bonus points if you have some friends or family over to enjoy it with you. Good conversation and hearty meals are enough to warm you up.
Some of my favorite winter soups: vegan broccoli cheddar, spicy mushrooms soup, turmeric soup, peanut lentil stew, chickpea noodle soup, coconut lentil stew, coconut harvest bisque, green soup (pictured below).

3. Host a board game night. I’m a big board game person. Sadly my husband isn’t, so it is a chore to get him to play with me. BUT I keep asking. He is much more inclined to play if we have friends or family over. Make some fun apps or ask everyone to bring a dish and get your game on.
4. Learn a new card game. On the same note of game night, why not learn a new card game? I love 500 Rummy and 313, but I definitely want to expand my horizon.
5. Light candles and read. When the house is asleep (read: kids in bed) light some of your favorite candles and pick up your current read. Grab the coziest blanket for good measure.
6. Add mood lighting, such as Himalayan salt lamps. If you aren’t into candles, Himalayan salt lamps give off the most beautiful warm glow. Plus, they have benefits. Twinkle lights and mood lamps work beautifully, too.

7. Play outside. With or without kids. This goes back to my point about how winter was a blast as a kid because you were sledding, building, or just tossing snowballs… not just shoveling and breaking your back. Get outside and be a kid again. If we only go outside in the snow to shovel, obviously it is going to suck. Go outside for no other reason than just being in the snow. And when you get in, make that cup of hot chocolate or a latte. This is probably what I am most excited to experience with my kids.
8. Take a long walk in the winter weather with a hot drink in tow. Bundle up and head out! Why only walk in warm weather? There is something refreshingly beautiful about breathing in the cold air. Even a 10 minute walk down the road will do wonders, right? Of course, bring your favorite hot beverage to stay warm. And be careful of ice!
I am excited to implement this into our winter routine – I usually tend to stay inside. I’d love a good evening walk.

9. Invest in good winter wear. I have lived in New England all my life and I have never ever invested in a good pair of winter boots. Am I crazy? I mean… I plan on being here so I should probably wear seasonally appropriate attire. It is not like it will go to waste! I’ll use them year after year. If you are experiencing the same kind of winter weather as we are year after year, it’s time to invest in: good boots, insulated jacket (doesn’t have to be too puffy, either), durable gloves, warm hat, fingerless mittens, a scarf, and some long-johns.
10. Break out the fuzzy socks and slippers. Same situation as the winter wear, have some extra warm socks and slippers for indoors. When people ask me what I want for Christmas, this is usually my response. There is nothing better than a fresh pair of socks and slippers to get through the next 5 months.

11. Cook with seasonal foods. As much as it pains me, mangoes are just not good in the winter here… and even if I buy them and try to enjoy, it is just depressing. Buy what is seasonal and you won’t have to experience that disappointment. I gravitate towards a lot of squashes, pears, pomegranates, potatoes, and cabbage. You may even find something in season that you’ve never cooked with before, so challenge yourself and give it a try.
12. Bake something. Is there any better smell than something baking in the oven? Get cozy and take your time baking something delicious. This is a great activity to do with toddlers, too.
My all-time favorite thing to bake in the winter is a pumpkin or butternut squash loaf (pictured below) but a few of my other favorites include: pomegranate scones, apple crisp, chocolate chip cookies, gingersnaps.

13. Start a puzzle. And not on your iPad or phone… a real 1000-piece puzzle that you can leave out and work on as you please. My mom and brother do this a lot and I think I need to take a page out of their book.
14. Build a fort. My kids are very into forts and you know what, so am I. It’s so relaxing and comforting to sit under a blanket in a sea of blankets. No one is too old for a fort.
15. Have a weekly movie night. Popcorn, candy, blankets, the works. Whether with your family/kids or with a group of friends. Work your way through some Disney movies, classics… whatever tickles your fancy. It’s something to look forward to and gives you a reason to cuddle up with loved ones.

16. Prep your home for winter weather. Do you have a large comfortable blanket that you look forward to snuggling with? Are your sheets toasty warm? Having some low key essentials will make a big difference in your enjoyment.
17. Enjoy a hot drink on the porch or deck and reflect. Another one of my favorite tips on here (and looking forward to implementing it into my routine). I love a good mocha latte on the porch, so why not in the winter? As long as there isn’t too much snow on our back deck, I’ll be sitting out there in silence. The fresh, cold air will feel nice as long as I’m bundled and sipping on something warm. It’s a great time to be alone with your thoughts, reflect, and just be.

18. Stock up on some Dollar Store crossword puzzles. Everyone who knows me well knows that I am a crossword puzzle girl. I buy a few from the Dollar Store and they last me forever. If I need to unwind, you can find me in bed or on the couch with a crossword. These are great for your brain, too. Stay sharp, friends.
19. Drive around and hunt for the best light displays. Pack snacks, hot chocolates to go, and explore your neighborhood and beyond. There’s nothing more magical than twinkle lights on homes in the winter.

20. Start a must-read list. The library is free and winter is the perfect time to catch up on reading since you are not going out as much.
21. Visit the beach. This only applies if you live near the beach, but it could be any of your favorite places that you normally visit in the summer. For me, I am a beach girl and just being near the ocean puts me in a good place. Sure, we’re not barefoot, but we can bundle up and take a brisk walk along the coast. It’s just as beautiful – a bit more gray and desolate – but the ocean is the ocean. The sound of the waves crashing sounds all the same year round. I’m making an effort to do this more this season.

I am going to work through this list myself and do my best to relish these cozy moments. I have to remind myself that the winter is a time to slow down and recharge… and I shouldn’t fight it. There’s a lot to be grateful and thankful for and the above are just a sample of ways you can enjoy it. I hope you agree.
Dare I say that I might be looking forward to winter? xx bianca