My Second Trimester (Baby #2)

Second Vegan Pregnancy Second Trimester Recap

Hi friends! Time for another pregnancy recap. Read on if you’re interested in seeing how my second trimester went from week to week.

Week 14: The most exciting part of this week was finding out that our little bean #2 is a girl! Beyond excited for Willow to have a little sister. Other than that, I am mentally preparing for a flight this weekend to Florida with a toddler while also pregnant. The last time I flew pregnant, I got so light-headed and almost blacked out. Please God, let’s not repeat that episode.

Week 15: We spent this week on vaca in South Florida, so I was so occupied to really even remember I am pregnant (LOL). Except one day I *think* I felt some flutters. It is so hard to tell, but I am pretty convinced. It’ll just get stronger from here on out.

Week 16: I have been feeling very well lately. All is well except I noticed a rash on my right hand – really small bumps. It freaked me out, but I do remember getting some similar skin issues with Willow the first time around. I have an appointment this week to be sure all is well and take care of it. Pregnancy comes with so many weird changes… skin issues have been my pain point this pregnancy. Aside from the bumps on my hand, also sooo much acne. Like cystic acne on my chin and bumps on my back. I CAN’T STAND IT!! But I know it’ll subside in time. It’s just really annoying, mostly. Could be worse. I’ll chalk it up to luck.

Week 17: Aw, baby girl is finally letting me know she is there! So many wiggles and flutters this week. That was the highlight, for sure.

Week 18: I started to work on the nursery, much sooner than I planned, really. But Willow decided it was time for a big girl bed by climbing out of her crib every night. SO the crib went into the playroom and I have been slowly transitioning. I actually am excited to start now while I am still not too big and have the energy. I know the third trimester will be hectic enough!

Week 19: I had my anatomy scan this week and it went very well. Everything looks great – baby girl is currently in the 35th percentile – petite little thing! Willow was in the 40-50th area. Lots of moving on the inside, too. This is the best part of pregnancy, hands down.

I also think we truly nailed down her name. We are using it at home and with close family. Deciding on a name always makes me feel a little bit closer to baby.

Week 20: Strange week of eating. I feel like I suddenly reverted back to the first trimester – junky vegan food and totally not craving or wanting anything I prepare. Cereal and soy milk has been my thing lately. Still a lot of fruit, but. Not feeling very good about some of my choices! Hopefully just an off week.

Week 21: My energy has been soooo drained. I am not sure if that is just a mix of running around after a toddler and the summer heat, but… definitely feeling like the first trimester when your body just feels like it has been hit by a train. I am in bed by 8PM!!

Week 22: The exhaustion continues on. To give you an idea, I went to bed at 7:30 last night – literally right after I left Willow’s room. Sleeping is getting uncomfortable, so maybe that is why I need the extra sleep in general… because it is not very sound lately. Cravings: fruit (peaches) and rabe with pasta (how random but I can’t stop making and eating it to save my life).

Week 23: My hips are hurting like crazy when I sleep now and I pee every 2 hours, it feels. But just chugging along. Nothing else crazy to update this week.

Week 24: We’re trying to do all the things with Willow while we are still a family of 3. It is getting a bit harder for me already (it’s been so hot here and I have some swelling in my feet). I didn’t have swelling really at all with Willow, so this is new. I am trying to take it much easier these days because I do feel like I am straining my body a bit at times. Keeping up with a toddler is no joke!!

Week 25: Nothing new going on this week, except lots of movement. Baby girl is on the move… a lot. I love this part of pregnancy :)

Week 26: I can’t believe I am saying this, but I passed my 1-hr glucose test with flying colors. Weeeee! I failed it with Willow and had to do the 3-hr (which sucked) so I just had it in my head that I would probably fail this one too. Not the case, thankfully. I can’t tell you how happy I am to not be pricked and prodded any further. So that it my happy update for the week :)

Week 27: Feeling big this week but excited to get into the third trimester. I’ve been in a bit of a nesting mode earlier this time around… a lot of de-cluttering, re-organizing, and just general house maintenance going on. Baby girl is moving a lot lately and putting crazy pressure on my bladder. Peeing during the night is the worst… it’s like 3 times a night now. And around 3-4am, I sometimes can’t fall back to sleep until 5:30. Pregnancy insomnia is rough but I guarantee it is to prepare you for those middle-of-the-night feeds.

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