Our Baby Essentials (from a Second Time Mom)

Our Baby Essentials (from a Second Time Mom)

It’s true what they say – no two babies are the same. Things that I used with my first baby were not used at all with our second and vice versa. From bottles to swaddles, here’s a look at what worked best for our family the second time around. These products were used the most. And if you are interested in comparing, here’s a look at my past baby essentials post and other products I love.

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Dr. Brown’s Bottles. I swore by Avent with Willow so naturally, we went with that for Fiona. But nope, no good. She was taking in too much air and her milk was coming back up until I made the switch to Dr. Brown’s. It helps with gassiness and that is exactly what we needed for this little girl.

Wubbanubs. Both girls loved these, but Fiona took to hers much sooner than Willow (like… days after). We have a few floating around because they almost always seem to go missing when you need. We love the fawn, putty duck, and elephant.

BIBS pacifiers. Fiona goes between these and the wubbanubs – they are just as great and do not have added bulk (good to keep in my diaper bag).

Copper Pearl Swaddle Blankets. Willow would absolutely NOT have it in a tight swaddle… she really liked her arms up and near her face. Fiona was completely opposite and slept much longer and deeper when swaddled up tight, hands by her side. We used these for quite a bit before moving up to a Halo Sleepsack. I love them because they are large, soft, breathable, and the best part… EXTRA STRETCHY. This helped to keep her swaddled tight without her breaking out. We have the peach pattern and whales (of course).

Bassinet. A given. We used with Willow, too. I have no complaints about the Halo bassinest except they outgrow it pretty quickly… but it gets the job done for a while.

SnuggleMe Organic. I didn’t have this with Willow but this has been a lifesaver with Fiona. This is where she takes her naps during the day (I place it in the pack ‘n play to keep Willow from grabbing at her). We use it every single day, multiple times a day. Worth every penny.

Pack ‘n Play. Like I mentioned above, we use this pack ‘n play everyday (more than with Willow) to keep Fiona out of reach when she is napping.

Margaux and May swaddle blankets. I love these more than Aiden + Anais (there, I said it). So so soft and beautiful patterns. We use these for just about everything under the sun… tummy time, blanket, burp cloth, carseat cover… pretty much everything except swaddling.

Sleepers. Both zip-up and buttons because honestly… I find that I gravitate towards the buttons more in the winter because it is so cold and it is easier to change her diaper by only undoing the bottom vs. having her top half exposed with the zipper.

White onesies with fold-over mittens. Willow was a summer baby but Fiona was born during some cold New England weather. She lived in these onesies for the first 2-3 weeks to keep her from scratching her face and the extra warmth under her sleepers.

Burp cloths. These are an obvious necessity, next…

Baby K’tan. I actually did not use my cloth carrier with Willow much because I held her most of the time as an infant but found the Ergo better when she was older. HOWEVER this is a complete necessity with baby #2. I wear Fiona ALL. THE. TIME. because my hands are full with a toddler. It’s been a lifesaver.

Wash cloths. We were gifted some that are so soft and gentle for babies. I don’t remember the brand but these look similar.

Diapers/diaper rash cream. Again, a necessity that doesn’t need an explanation.

White noise machine. Willow STILL uses hers so we grabbed one for Fiona, too. Safe to say that we know we will get use out of it – it’s a cute owl!

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