Inside Our Diaper Bag (6-12 months)

Inside My Diaper Bag 6-12 Months

Hi friends!

I know I wrote a post like this in the past, but there are definitely some differences in what I carried around with me when Willow was 0-6 months, as opposed to now. I thought maybe you’d like an update! I know that I really love posts like this.

Plus, I am really excited to show you all my new non-diaper bag. I loved my old one, trust me, but I wanted to switch it up for the warmer months. This canvas tote bag from Baggu is my new favorite. I can’t say enough good things about it – from style to quality to durability. It’s just a great bag.

To keep Willow’s things together and not just thrown in everywhere, I use these elephant bags that were gifted to me from my friend Sara. One has all diapering needs and the other has clothing, teething, feeding, etc. They work so well for this!

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Inside My Diaper Bag 6-12 Months

Burp cloths/wash cloths: These are the best burp cloths ever. We have so many, because they are so cheap. I keep at least 2 in my bag (some in the car, too).

Diapers: I carry about 3-5 extra diapers.

Wipes: One package – for bum, hands, and face.

Diaper rash cream: You never know when you’ll need it, so I keep a small one. I love this brand.

Sunscreen: This was a necessary new addition because of the summer months. We’re always out and about, so you never know when you’ll need it.

Sun hat: Again, due to summer months. Good to have in case we go out.

Diaper trash bags: The Munchkin Arm and Hammer bags are perfect for soiled diapers and super convenient.

Extra baby outfit: Onesie, pants, t-shirt, and socks that coordinate with the season.

Drool Bib: Definitely need at least two of these at all times.

Silicone Bib: Necessary since she is eating solids now. Love this brand – so easy to clean.

Fork and spoon: She isn’t using these too much yet, but good to have in case, Love the Re-Play brand!

Disposable place mats: I keep a package of these on hand for when we bring her out to eat.

Snack/formula container: I always keep some snacks in my purse. Lately, she’s been enjoying these organic snacks inside this awesome container… I usually have two different types of dry snacks with me. The top part is for formula and it has a little spout so it doesn’t get everywhere. It’s amazing. Also… she totally knows her snacks are in this now and she loses her mind when she sees it, haha!

Sippy cup: I carry her sippy cup with water with us whenever we go out.

Musical toy: This is my last resort if she starts to have a meltdown. I swear, this toy works wonders on her mood.

Rings: I just attach a couple of these to the handle.

WubbaNub pacifier + clip: She stopped using her pacifier for a bit, but has recently began using it like crazy again. Teething, maybe? She has the whale, and I like these clips in case we’re out and about.

Teether: Because you never know when it will hit. She loves this one.

My things: Wallet, keys, sunnies, clif bar, tissues, and a pouch with make-up, chapstick, hair ties, pen, etc.

So, a couple new additions on here. It seems like a lot, but it actually isn’t too bad. It all fits nicely and doesn’t kill my arm. I swear! What’s in your diaper bag? xx bianca

Inside My Diaper Bag 6-12 Months

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  1. What do you do for a changing pad? Or do you not use one?

    1. Sorry – I forgot to include that. I have a small reusable one (not sure of brand) but most of the time, I use a spare blanket (I keep a couple in my car).

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